An individual study is a summary of a specific scientific study, providing background context, the conservation action(s) taken and their consequences.
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62 Studies found
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Study | Published | |
Establishment of a captiveābreeding programme for the Helmeted honeyeater Lichenostomus melanops cassidix Based on: Smales I., Miller M., Middleton D. & Franklin D. (1992). Study Link |
1992 | |
Establishment of a colony of common diving petrels (Pelecanoides urinatrix) by chick transfers and acoustic attraction Based on: Miskelly C.M. & Taylor G.A. (2004). Study Link |
2004 | |
Fertility and hatchability of falcon eggs after insemination with frozen peregrine falcon semen Based on: Parks J. & Hardaswick V. (1987). Study Link |
1987 | |
First successful handrearing of an abandoned Bermuda petrel chick Based on: Wingate D.B. (1972). Study Link |
1972 | |
Growth of body components in parent-and hand-reared captive kestrels Based on: Bird D.M. & Clark R.G. (1983). Study Link |
1983 | |
Hand-reared loggerhead shrikes breed in captivity Based on: Cade T.J. (1992). Study Link |
1992 | |
Hand-rearing corvids for reintroduction: importance of feeding regime, nestling growth, and dominance Based on: Whitmore K.D. & Marzluff J.M. (1998). Study Link |
1998 | |
Helping reintroduced houbara bustards avoid predation: effective anti-predator training and the predictive value of pre-release behaviour Based on: van Heezik Y., Seddon P.J. & Maloney R.F. (1999). Study Link |
1999 | |
Implementing artificial insemination as an effective tool for ex situ conservation of endangered avian species Based on: Blanco J.M., Wildt D.E., Holfe U., Voelker W. & Donoghue A.M. (2009). Study Link |
2009 | |
Inbreeding and loss of genetic variation in a reintroduced population of Mauritius kestrel Based on: Ewing S.R., Nager R.G., Nicoll M.A.C., Jones C. G. & Keller L.F. (2008). Study Link |
2008 | |
Intensive management of a critically endangered species: the kakapo Based on: Elliott G.P., Merton D.V. & Jansen W.P. (2001). Study Link |
2001 | |
Natural breeding of Accipiter fasciatus in captivity Based on: Olsen J. & Olsen P. (1981). Study Link |
1981 | |
Post-fledging dependence and dispersal in hacked and wild Montagu's harriers Circus pygargus Based on: Amar A., Arroyo B.E. & Bretagnolle V. (2000). Study Link |
2000 | |
Post-release survival of hand-reared and parent-reared Mississippi sandhill cranes Based on: Ellis D.H., Gee G.F., Hereford S.G., Olsen G.H., Chisolm T.D., Nicolich J.M., Sullivan K.A., Thomas N.J., Nagendran M. & Hatfield J.S. (2000). Study Link |
2000 | |
Post-release survival of rehabilitated African penguins Based on: Whittington P.A. (2003) Birdlife South Africa and Avian Demography Unit, 8-17. Study Link |
2003 | |
Producing progeny from endangered birds of prey: treatment of urine-contaminated semen and a novel intramagnal insemination approach Based on: Blanco J.M., Gee G.F., Wildt D.E. & Donoghue A.M. (2002). Study Link |
2002 | |
Progress in restoration of the Mauritius kestrel Based on: Cade T.J. & Jones C.G. (1993). Study Link |
1993 | |
Rehabilitation of an endangered Australian bird: the Lord Howe Island woodhen Tricholimnas sylvestris (Sclater) Based on: Miller B. & Mullette K.J. (1985). Study Link |
1985 | |
Reintroduction of hand-reared alala Corvus hawaiiensis in Hawaii Based on: Kuehler C., Harrity P., Lieberman A. & Kuhn M. (1995). Study Link |
1995 | |
Releasing captive-reared Andean condors to the wild Based on: Wallace M.P. & Temple S.A. (1987). Study Link |
1987 | |
Reproduction of prairie falcons by artificial insemination Based on: Boyd L.L., Boyd N.S. & Dobler F.C. (1977). Study Link |
1977 | |
Reproductive manipulation in the whooping crane Grus americana Based on: Kuyt E. (1996). Study Link |
1996 | |
Restoration of Chlamydotis undulata macqueenii (Houbara Bustard) Populations in Saudi Arabia: A Progress Report Based on: Jaime M.S., Combreau O., Seddon P.J., Paillat P. & van Heezik Y. (1996). Study Link |
1996 | |
Restoration of houbara bustard populations in Saudi Arabia: developments and future directions Based on: Seddon P.J., Saint Jalme M., van Heezik Y., Paillat P., Gaucher P. & Combreau O. (1995). Study Link |
1995 | |
Storks: status, conservation and captive breeding Based on: Johnson R.E., Coulter M.C., Luthin C.S., King C.E. & Valenzuela A.J. (1987). Study Link |
1987 |
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