Sources of Evidence


We gather evidence by systematically searching key English and non-English scientific journals and identifying articles that fit our criteria. We also systematically search non-peer reviewed or unpublished sources.

Our ongoing review process continually extracts evidence from journals and other sources of evidence. So far we have searched over 340 English journals. We have also searched over 330 non-English journals.  In addition, we search 'grey literature', such as report series, to focus on particular species groups or habitats. 

Additional specialist journals or report series, or additional years for those already listed, are frequently added to the list searched, for example when searches are undertaken for the production of a new synopsis.

Articles that fit our criteria are stored in our evidence repository until they are summarised and included in a synopsis and in our searchable database. For more details see our methods 'Finding evidence' and FAQ pages.

What studies have we searched for?

  1. A conservation action must have been carried out. Browse our evidence for examples of conservation actions.
  2. The effects of the action on wildlife or ecosystems must have been monitored quantitatively. There are a variety of relevant metrics for Conservation Evidence; we include metrics such as abundance, diversity, population trends, reproductive success, survival rate, percentage cover and establishment of a successful breeding population.

Journals and reports searched

We have separate catalogues of journals and reports searched:

Catalogue of Journals Searched: English

Catalogue of Journals Searched: Non-English

Catalogue of Searched Conservation Reports

Catalogue of Journals Searched: By Synopsis

What Works 2021 cover

What Works in Conservation

What Works in Conservation provides expert assessments of the effectiveness of actions, based on summarised evidence, in synopses. Subjects covered so far include amphibians, birds, mammals, forests, peatland and control of freshwater invasive species. More are in progress.

More about What Works in Conservation

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The Conservation Evidence Journal

The Conservation Evidence Journal

An online, free to publish in, open-access journal publishing results from research and projects that test the effectiveness of conservation actions.

Read the latest volume: Volume 22

Go to the CE Journal

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Meet some of the Evidence Champions

Endangered Landscape ProgrammeRed List Champion - Arc Kent Wildlife Trust The Rufford Foundation Mauritian Wildlife Supporting Conservation Leaders
Sustainability Dashboard National Biodiversity Network Frog Life The international journey of Conservation - Oryx Cool Farm Alliance UNEP AWFA Bat Conservation InternationalPeople trust for endangered species Vincet Wildlife Trust