Synopsis protocols
A synopsis protocol is written before a new, or an update of an existing synopsis is produced. The protocol describes the methodology that will be used to produce the synopsis, which is based on the standard subject-wide Conservation Evidence synthesis methodology. Each protocol is reviewed by the synopsis advisory board, who are listed at the beginning of the protocol. The advisory board is a group of experts in diverse topics within the subject, representing the geographic range covered by the synthesis, and including a mix of academics, practitioners and policy-makers.
Each protocol has been registered (on a specific date) on the Open Science Framework (
Additional literature searches and advisory board members may be added during the development of synopsis, and in a small number of cases a decision may be made (in collaboration with the advisory board) to summarise the evidence for a subset of interventions, due to time restrictions for example. The introduction section of published synopses will detail the finalised methodology. For each published synopsis the complete list of literature sources searched can be viewed, as well as the advisory board.