Procambarus crayfish control: Trapping and removal
Overall effectiveness category Likely to be beneficial
Number of studies: 1
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A controlled, replicated study conducted in 2006 in canals in Italy (Aquiloni & Gherardi 2010) found that food-baited traps were successful in capturing red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii. Of 282 crayfish caught using different bait types, over half were captured in food-baited traps compared with traps containing male or female crayfish and a control treatment (no bait). A total of 72 traps were set three metres apart and randomly assigned one of four bait treatments: no bait, tinned meat (food), male crayfish, or female crayfish. Bait crayfish were kept inside a wire netting box inside the traps to prevent them from mating with trapped individuals. The traps were checked after two days. The sex of each trapped crayfish was determined.
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This Action forms part of the Action Synopsis:
Control of Freshwater Invasive Species
Control of Freshwater Invasive Species - Published 2017
Control of Freshwater Invasive Species Synopsis