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8856 Studies found
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Study | Published | |
The migration of stocked, trapped and transported, and wild female American silver eels through the Gulf of St. Lawrence Based on: Béguer-Pon M., Verreault G., Stanley D., Castonguay M. & Dodson J.J. (2018). Study Link |
2018 | |
Native salt-tolerant grass species for habitat restoration, their acclimation and contribution to improving edaphic conditions: a study from a degraded mangrove in the Indian Sundarbans Based on: Begam M.M., Sutradhar T., Chowdhury R., Mukherjee C., Basak S.K. & Ray K. (2017). Study Link |
2017 | |
Community- and landscape-level responses of reptiles and small mammals to feral-horse grazing in the Great Basin Based on: Beever E.A. & Brussard P.F. (2004). Study Link |
2004 | |
Cryopreservation of spermatozoa from freeze-tolerant and intolerant anurans Based on: Beesley S.G., Costanzo J.P. & Lee R.E. (1998). Study Link |
1998 | |
Growth patterns and age validation from otolith ring deposition in New Zealand longfin eels Anguilla dieffenbachii recaptured after 10 years at large Based on: Beentjes M.P. & Jellyman D.J. (2015). Study Link |
2015 | |
Homing of black bears in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park Based on: Beeman L.E. & Pelton M.R. (1976). Study Link |
1976 | |
Diapause survival and post-diapause performance in bumblebee queens (Bombus terrestris) Based on: Beekman M., van Stratum P. & Lingeman R. (1998). Study Link |
1998 | |
Artificial rearing of bumble bees Bombus terrestris selects against heavy queens Based on: Beekman M., Van Stratum P. & Lingeman R. (2000). Study Link |
2000 | |
Management implications for releasing orphaned, captive-reared bears back to the wild Based on: Beecham J.J., De Gabriel Hernando M., Karamanlidis A.A., Beausoleil R.A., Burguess K., Jeong D., Binks M., Bereczky L., Ashraf N.V.K., Skripova K., Rhodin L., Auger J. & Lee B. (2015). Study Link |
2015 | |
40 years of natterjack toad conservation in Europe Based on: Beebee T., Cabido C., Eggert C., Mestre I.G., Iraola A., Garin-Barrio I., Griffiths R.A., Miaud C., Oromi N., Sanuy D., Sinsch U. & Tejedo M. (2012). Study Link |
2012 | |
Changes in dewpond numbers and amphibian diversity over 20 years on chalk downland in Sussex, England Based on: Beebee T. (1997). Study Link |
1997 | |
Decline and flounder of a Sussex common toad (Bufo bufo) population Based on: Beebee T. (2012). Study Link |
2012 | |
A wood-concrete nest box to study burrow-nesting petrels Based on: Bedolla-Guzmán Y., Masello J.F., Aguirre-Muñoz A. & Quillfeldt P. (2016). Study Link |
2016 | |
Attempted eradication of house sparrows Passer domesticus from Round Island (Mauritius), Indian Ocean Based on: Bednarczuk E., Feare C.J., Lovibond S., Tatayah V. & Jones C.G. (2010). Study Link |
2010 | |
Using nitrogen-15 to quantify vegetative buffer effectiveness for sequestering nitrogen in runoff Based on: Bedard-Haughn A., Tate K.W. & van Kessel C. (2004). Study Link |
2004 | |
Nitrate leaching loss following application of organic manures to sandy soils in arable cropping. I. Effects of application time, manure type, overwinter crop cover and nitrification inhibition Based on: Beckwith C.P., Cooper J., Smith K.A. & Shepherd M.A. (1998). Study Link |
1998 | |
Evaluation of deterrent techniques and dogs to alter behavior of "nuisance" black bears Based on: Beckmann J.P., Lackey C.W. & Berger J. (2004). Study Link |
2004 | |
Towards a better understanding of the use of probiotics for preventing chytridiomycosis in Panamanian golden frogs Based on: Becker M.H., Harris R.N., Minbiole K.P.C., Schwantes C.R., Rollins-Smith L.A., Reinert L.K., Brucker R.M., Domangue R.J. & Gratwicke B. (2011). Study Link |
2011 | |
Benthic community establishment on different concrete mixtures introduced to a German deep-water port Based on: Becker L.R., Kröncke I., Ehrenberg A., Feldrappe V. & Bischof K. (2021). Study Link |
2021 | |
The culture, transplantation and storage of Montastraea faveolata, Acropora cervicornis and Acropora palmata: What we have learned so far Based on: Becker L.C. & Mueller E. (2001). Study Link |
2001 | |
Grazing maintains native plant diversity and promotes community stability in an annual grassland Based on: Beck J.J., Hernández D.L., Pasari J.R. & Zavaleta E.S. (2015). Study Link |
2015 | |
Losses and reproduction of reintroduced golden lion tamarins Leontopithecus rosalia. Based on: Beck B., Dietz J., Castro L., Carvelho C., Martins A. & Rettberg-Beck B. (1991). Study Link |
1991 | |
The educational benefits of a ten-week home-based wild bird feeding program for children Based on: Beck A.M., Melson G.F., da Costa P.L. & Liu T. (2001). Study Link |
2001 | |
Home-range size, response to fire, and habitat preferences of wintering Henslow's sparrows Based on: Bechtoldt C.L. & Stouffer P.C. (2005). Study Link |
2005 | |
Effects of retention harvests on structure of old-growth Pinus strobus L. stands in Ontario Based on: Bebber D., Cole W., Thomas S., Balsillie D. & Duinker P. (2005). Study Link |
2005 |
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