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8855 Studies found
8855 Studies found
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Study | Published | |
Do characteristics of pollinator-friendly gardens predict the diversity, abundance, and reproduction of butterflies? Based on: Majewska A.A., Sims S., Wenger S.J., Davis A.K. & Altizer S. (2018). Study Link |
2018 | |
Diversity and trait composition of moths respond to land-use intensification in grasslands: Generalists replace specialists Based on: Mangels J., Fiedler K., Schneider F.D. & Bluthgen N. (2017). Study Link |
2017 | |
Small scale additions of native plants fail to increase beneficial insect richness in urban gardens Based on: Matteson K.C. & Langellotto G.A. (2011). Study Link |
2011 | |
Use of sleeve nets to improve survival of the Boisduval silkworm, Anaphe panda, in the Kakamega Forest of western Kenya Based on: Mbahin N., Raina S.K., Kioko E.N. & Mueke J.M. (2010). Study Link |
2010 | |
What type of hedgerows do Brown hairstreak (Thecla betulae L.) butterflies prefer? Implications for European agricultural landscape conservation Based on: Merckx T. & Berwaerts K. (2010). Study Link |
2010 | |
Conserving threatened Lepidoptera: Towards an effective woodland management policy in landscapes under intense human land-use Based on: Merckx T., Feber R.E., Hoare D.J., Parsons M.S., Kelly C.J., Bourn N.A.D. & Macdonald D.W. (2012). Study Link |
2012 | |
Habitat preference and mobility of Polia bombycina: Are non-tailored agri-environment schemes any good for a rare and localised species? Based on: Merckx T., Feber R.E., Parsons M.S., Bourn N.A.D., Townsend M.C., Riordan P. & Macdonald D.W. (2010). Study Link |
2010 | |
Hedgerow trees and extended-width field margins enhance macro-moth diversity: Implications for management Based on: Merckx T., Marini L., Feber R.E. & Macdonald D.W. (2012). Study Link |
2012 | |
Impacts of selective logging management on butterflies in the Amazon Based on: Montejo-Kovacevich G., Hethcoat M.G., Lim F.K.S., Marsh C.J., Bonfantti D., Peres C.A. & Edwards D.P. (2018). Study Link |
2018 | |
Influence of surface flattening on biodiversity of terrestrial arthropods during early stages of brown coal spoil heap restoration Based on: Moradi J., Potocky P., Kocarek P., Bartuska M., Tajovsky K., Tichanek F., Frouz J. & Tropek R. (2018). Study Link |
2018 | |
Making sense of a prairie butterfly paradox: The effects of grazing, time since fire, and sampling period on regal fritillary abundance Based on: Moranz R.A., Fuhlendorf S.D. & Engle D.M. (2014). Study Link |
2014 | |
Monarch-parasite interactions in managed and roadside prairies Based on: Mueller E.K. & Baum K.A. (2014). Study Link |
2014 | |
Functional diversity response to hardwood forest management varies across taxa and spatial scales Based on: Murray B.D., Holland J.D., Summerville K.S., Dunning J.B., Saunders M.R. & Jenkins M.A. (2017). Study Link |
2017 | |
Butterfly response to floral resources during early establishment at a heterogeneous prairie biomass production site in Iowa, USA Based on: Myers M.C., Hoksch B.J. & Mason J.T. (2012). Study Link |
2012 | |
Assessing a farmland set-aside conservation program for an endangered butterfly: USDA State Acres for Wildlife Enhancement (SAFE) for the Karner blue butterfly Based on: Neff P.K., Locke C. & Lee-Mader E. (2017). Study Link |
2017 | |
A comparison of larval survivorship in wild and introduced populations of the large copper butterfly (Lycaena dispar batavus) Based on: Nicholls C.N. & Pullin A.S. (2000). Study Link |
2000 | |
Butterfly conservation within cities: A landscape scale approach integrating natural habitats and abandoned fields in central Mexico Based on: Barranco-Leon de las Nieve M., Luna-Castellanos F., Vergara C.H. & Badano I. (2016). Study Link |
2016 | |
Butterfly community composition across a successional gradient in a human-disturbed Afro-tropical rain forest Based on: Nyafwono M., Valtonen A., Nyeko P. & Roininen H. (2014). Study Link |
2014 | |
Semi-natural grasslands as population sources for pollinating insects in agricultural landscapes Based on: Öckinger E. & Smith H.G. (2007). Study Link |
2007 | |
Evaluating forest clear-cuts as alternative grassland habitats for plants and butterflies Based on: Ohwaki A., Koyanagi T.F. & Maeda S. (2018). Study Link |
2018 | |
Modern coffee agroecosystems and their relationship with butterflies conservation in fragmented landscapes Los agroecosistemas cafetaleros modernos y su relación con la conservación de mariposas en paisajes fragmentados Based on: Perez-Garcia O., Benjamin T.J. & Tobar D.E. (2018). Study Link |
2018 | |
Habitat restoration for lupine and specialist butterflies Based on: Pfitsch W.A. & Williams E.H. (2009). Study Link |
2009 | |
Milkweed matters: Monarch butterfly (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) survival and development on nine Midwestern milkweed species Based on: Pocius V.M., Debinski D.M., Pleasants J.M., Bidne K.G., Hellmich R.L. & Brower L.P. (2017). Study Link |
2017 | |
Securing viable metapopulations of the marsh fritillary butterfly, Euphydryas aurinia, (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in Northern England Based on: Porter K. & Ellis S. (2011). Study Link |
2011 | |
Effects of organic and conventional crop management on vineyard biodiversity Based on: Puig-Montserrat X., Stefanescu C., Torre I., Palet J., Fàbregas E., Dantart J., Arrizabalaga A. & Flaquer C. (2017). Study Link |
2017 |
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