Use differently-coloured artificial nests
Overall effectiveness category Unknown effectiveness (limited evidence)
Number of studies: 1
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A replicated study in 1945-6 in garden habitats in Ohio, USA (Calhoun 1948), found that American robins Turdus migratorius made more nesting attempts in 62 green nests (16) than 59 black nests (eight), but there were an equal number of successes (four successful attempts in each: 25% success in green nests vs. 50% success in black). Mourning doves Zenaida macroura (formerly Zenaidura macroura) made 18 nesting attempts in 59 black nests compared to nine in 62 green nests, but there were four successful attempts in each colour (i.e. 22% success for black nests and 44% for green). The use of the nests (cones of black or green roofing paper 17.8 cm at the widest and 5.1 cm deep) by both species is discussed further in ‘Provide artificial nest sites’.
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This Action forms part of the Action Synopsis:
Bird ConservationBird Conservation - Published 2013
Bird Synopsis