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8856 Studies found
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Study | Published | |
Butterfly and grasshopper diversity patterns in humid Mediterranean grasslands: the roles of disturbance and environmental factors Based on: Kati V., Zografou K., Tzirkalli E., Chitos T. & Willemse L. (2012). Study Link |
2012 | |
Roadside habitat impacts insect traffic mortality Based on: Keilsohn W., Narango D.L. & Tallamy D.W. (2018). Study Link |
2018 | |
Habitat management for the Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis): Evaluating the short-term consequences Based on: King R.S. (2003). Study Link |
2003 | |
Variable response of butterflies and vegetation to elk herbivory: An exclosure experiment in ponderosa pine and aspen-mixed conifer forests Based on: Kleintjes Neff P.K., Fettig S.M. & VanOverbeke D.R. (2007). Study Link |
2007 | |
Initial response of butterflies to an overstory reduction and slash mulching treatment of a degraded piñon-juniper woodland Based on: Kleintjes P.K., Jacobs B.F. & Fettig S.M. (2004). Study Link |
2004 | |
Habitat type conservation and restoration for the Karner blue butterfly: A case study from Wisconsin Based on: Kleintjes P.K., Sporrong J.M., Raebel C.A. & Thon S.F. (2003). Study Link |
2003 | |
Importance of reserves, fragments, and parks for butterfly conservation in a tropical urban landscape Based on: Koh L.P. & Sodhi N.S. (2004). Study Link |
2004 | |
Optimal timing of power line rights-of-ways management for the conservation of butterflies Based on: Komonen A., Lensu T. & Kotiaho J.S. (2013). Study Link |
2013 | |
Smaller fields support more butterflies: Comparing two neighbouring European countries with different socioeconomic heritage Based on: Konvicka M., Benes J. & Poláková S. (2016). Study Link |
2016 | |
Effects of timing and frequency of mowing on the threatened scarce large blue butterfly – A fine-scale experiment Based on: Kőrösi A., Szentirmai I., Batáry P., Kövér S., Örvössy N. & Peregovits L. (2014). Study Link |
2014 | |
Logging in boreal field-forest ecotones promotes flower-visiting insect diversity and modifies insect community composition Based on: Korpela E.-L., Hyvonen T. & Kuussaari M. (2015). Study Link |
2015 | |
Can pollination services, species diversity and conservation be simultaneously promoted by sown wildflower strips on farmland? Based on: Korpela E.-L., Hyvonen T., Lindgren S. & Kuussaari M. (2013). Study Link |
2013 | |
Set-aside promotes insect and plant diversity in a Central European country Based on: Kovács-Hostyánszki A., Kőrösi Á, Orci K.M., Batáry P. & Báldi A. (2011). Study Link |
2011 | |
Effect of vegetation and management on occurrence of larvae and adults of generalist Maniola jurtina L. (Lepidoptera) in meadow habitats Based on: Kulfan J., Strbova E. & Zach P. (2012). Study Link |
2012 | |
Successful translocation of the threatened clouded Apollo butterfly (Parnassius mnemosyne) and metapopulation establishment in southern Finland Based on: Kuussaari M., Heikkinen R.K., Heliölä J., Luoto M., Mayer M., Rytteri S. & von Bagh P. (2015). Study Link |
2015 | |
Pollinator insects benefit from rotational fallows Based on: Kuussaari M., Hyvonen T. & Härmä O. (2011). Study Link |
2011 | |
Prescribed fire management of Karner blue butterfly habitat at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshire Based on: Kwilosz J.R. & Knutson R.L. (1999). Study Link |
1999 | |
Margins of agricultural fields as habitats for pollinating insects Based on: Lagerlöf J., Stark J. & Svensson B. (1992). Study Link |
1992 | |
Green roof performance towards good habitat for butterflies in the compact city Based on: Lee L.-H. & Lin J.-C. (2015). Study Link |
2015 | |
The role of power line rights-of-way as an alternative habitat for declined mire butterflies Based on: Lensu T., Komonen A., Hiltula O., Päivinen J., Saari V. & Kotiaho J.S. (2011). Study Link |
2011 | |
Urban rights-of-way as reservoirs for tall-grass prairie plants and butterflies Based on: Leston L. & Koper N. (2016). Study Link |
2016 | |
Assessing the status of the marsh fritillary butterfly (Eurodryas aurinia): an example from Glamorgan, UK Based on: Lewis O.T. & Hurford C. (1997). Study Link |
1997 | |
Moorland restoration aids the reassembly of associated phytophagous insects Based on: Littlewood N.A., Dennis P., Pakeman R.J. & Woodin S.J. (2006). Study Link |
2006 | |
Habitat utilization by ovipositing females and larvae of the marsh fritillary (Euphydryas aurinia) in a mosaic of meadows and croplands Based on: Liu W., Wang Y. & Xu R. (2006). Study Link |
2006 | |
Local and landscape drivers of butterfly richness and abundance in a human-dominated area Based on: Luppi M., Dondina O., Orioli V. & Bani L. (2018). Study Link |
2018 |
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