An individual study is a summary of a specific scientific study, providing background context, the conservation action(s) taken and their consequences.
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8856 Studies found
8856 Studies found
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Study | Published | |
An assessment of nets with a square mesh panel as a whiting conservation tool in the Irish Sea Nephrops fishery Based on: Briggs R.P. (1992). Study Link |
1992 | |
An assessment of mitigation translocations for reptiles at development sites Based on: Nash D.J. (2017). Study Link |
2017 | |
An assessment of long-term compliance with performance standards in compensatory mitigation wetlands Based on: van den Bosch K. & Matthews J.W. (2017). Study Link |
2017 | |
An assessment of bycatch reduction devices in a tropical Australian prawn trawl fishery Based on: Brewer D., Rawlinson N., Eayrs S. & Burridge C. (1998). Study Link |
1998 | |
An assessment of 'turtle-friendly' lights on the sea-finding behaviour of loggerhead turtle hatchlings (Caretta caretta) Based on: Robertson K., Booth D.T. & Limpus C.J. (2016). Study Link |
2016 | |
An artificial simulation of the vernal increase in day length and its effects on the reproductive system in three species of tits (Parus spp.), and modifying effects of environmental factors: a field experiment Based on: Silverin B., Viebke P.A. & Westin J. (1989). Study Link |
1989 | |
An artificial raft as a nesting site for terns on the Dee Based on: Eades R. (1970). Study Link |
1970 | |
An artificial nest site for arctic nesting common eiders Based on: Divoky G.J. & Suydam R. (1995). Study Link |
1995 | |
An artificial nest chamber for captive Crotaphytus collaris that increases clutch success and promotes natural behaviour Based on: Santoyo-Brito E., Anderson M.L. & Fox S.F. (2012). Study Link |
2012 | |
An artificial nest box for burrow-nesting seabirds Based on: Priddel D. & Carlile N. (1995). Study Link |
1995 | |
An approach to the rehabilitation of Kogia spp. Based on: Manire C.A., Rhinehart H.L., Barros N.I.B. & Cunningham-Smith P. (2004). Study Link |
2004 | |
An appraisal of methods used in coral recruitment studies Based on: Mundy C.N. (2000). Study Link |
2000 | |
An application of the Morrison soft TED to the offshore prawn fishery in New South Wales, Australia Based on: Andrew N.L., Kennelly S.J. & Broadhurst M.K. (1993). Study Link |
1993 | |
An application of artificial reefs to reduce organic enrichment caused by net-cage fish farming: preliminary results Based on: Angel D. (2002). Study Link |
2002 | |
An analysis of the usage of bat boxes in England, Wales and Ireland Based on: Poulton S.M.C. (2006) Biological and Ecological Statistical Services report, for the Vincent Wildlife Trust. Study Link |
2006 | |
An analysis of factors driving success in ecological restoration projects by a university-community partnership Based on: Wood J.K., Gold W.G., Fridley J.L., Ewing K. & Niyogi D.K. (2017). Study Link |
2017 | |
An alternative rotational stocking management designed to favour butterflies in permanent grasslands Based on: Farruggia A., Dumont B., Scohier A., Leroy T., Pradel P. & Garel J. (2012). Study Link |
2012 | |
An alternative method to sand-packed incubation of sea turtle eggs Based on: Critchley K.H., Wood J.R. & Wood F.E. (1983). Study Link |
1983 | |
An agri-environmental scheme enhances butterfly dispersal in European agricultural landscapes Based on: Delattre T., Vernon P. & Burel F. (2013). Study Link |
2013 | |
An afforestation system for restoring bottomland hardwood forests: biomass accumulation of Nuttall oak seedlings interplanted beneath eastern cottonwood Based on: Gardiner E.S., Stanturf J.A. & Schweitzer C.J. (2004). Study Link |
2004 | |
An adjustable action threshold using larval parasitism of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in IPM for processing tomatoes Based on: Walker G.P., Herman T.J.B., Kale A.J. & Wallace A.R. (2010). Study Link |
2010 | |
An actively stimulating net panel and rope array inside a model cod-end to increase juvenile red seabream escapement Based on: Kim Y. & Whang D. (2010). Study Link |
2010 | |
An acoustic scaring device tested against European rabbits Based on: Wilson C.J. & McKillop I.G. (1986). Study Link |
1986 | |
An account of the attempted control of an introduced marine alga, Sargassum muticum, in southern England Based on: Critchley A.T., Farnham W.F. & Morrell S.L. (1986). Study Link |
1986 | |
An account of successful captive reproduction of Bombina bombina, the European fire-bellied toad Based on: Wilkinson J.W. (1994). Study Link |
1994 |
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