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31 Studies found
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Study | Published | |
Rotator for protecting circular fish ponds against predatory birds Based on: Svensson K.M. (1976). Study Link |
1976 | |
The effects of killing and removal on the abundance of grey herons at fish farms Based on: van Vessem J., Draulans D. & De Bont A. F. (1985). Study Link |
1985 | |
Turbidity as an ecological solution to reduce the impact of fish-eating colonial waterbirds on fish farms Based on: Cezilly F. (1992). Study Link |
1992 | |
Control of wading bird predation at fish-rearing facilities Based on: Mott D. F. (1978) National Audubon Society, 131-132. Study Link |
1978 | |
A review of techniques for preventing cormorant depredations at aquaculture facilities in the southeastern United States Based on: Mott D.F. & Boyd F.L. (1995). Study Link |
1995 | |
Long-term trial of an inflatable effigy scare device or repelling cormorants from catfish ponds Based on: Stickley A.R. Jr. & King J.O. (1995). Study Link |
1995 | |
Reducing fish losses to cormorants using artificial fish refuges: an experimental study Based on: Russell I., Parrott D., Ives M., Goldsmith D., Fox S., Clifton-Dey D., Prickett A. & Drew T. (2008). Study Link |
2008 | |
Behavioral responses of wintering great crested grebes to dissuasion experiments: implications for management Based on: Gagliardi A., Martinoli A., Preatoni D., Wauters L.A. & Tosi G. (2006). Study Link |
2006 | |
Evaluation of moderate- and low- power lasers for dispersing double-crested cormorants from their night roosts Based on: Glahn J.F., Ellis G., Fiornelli P. & Dorr B. (2001). Study Link |
2001 | |
An evaluation of winter roost harassment for dispersing double-crested cormorants away from catfish production areas in Mississippi Based on: Mott D.F., Glahn J.F., Smith P.L., Reinhold D.S., Bruce K.J. & Sloan C.A. (1998). Study Link |
1998 | |
Protective socking material for cultivated mussels: a potential non-disruptive deterrent to reduce losses to diving ducks Based on: Barbeau M.A., Hamilton D.J., Lauzon-Guay J. & Dionne M. (2006). Study Link |
2006 | |
An evaluation of floating ropes for reducing cormorant damage at catfish ponds Based on: Mott D.F., Flynt R.D. & King J.O. (1995). Study Link |
1995 | |
Electric fencing reduces heron predation at Northeastern trout hatcheries Based on: Tobin M.E., Glahn J.F. & Rasmussen E.S. (1997). Study Link |
1997 | |
Deterring coastal birds from roosting on oyster culture gear in eastern New Brunswick, Canada Based on: Comeau L.A., St Onge P., Pernet F. & Lanteigne L. (2009). Study Link |
2009 | |
Lasers as nonlethal avian repellents Based on: Dolbeer R., Bernhardt G. & Blackwell B. (2002). Study Link |
2002 | |
Use of underwater playback to reduce the impact of eiders on mussel farms Based on: Ross B.P., Lien J. & Furness R.W. (2001). Study Link |
2001 | |
Evaluation of an electric fence system for excluding wading birds at catfish ponds Based on: Mott D.E. & Flynt R.D. (1995). Study Link |
1995 | |
Predation of Bidyanus bidyanus (Teraponidae) in ponds by cormorants Based on: Rowland S.J. (1995). Study Link |
1995 | |
Wading bird predation at tropical aquaculture facilities in central Florida Based on: Avery M.L., Eiselman D.S., Young M.K, Humphrey J.S. & Decker D.G. (1999). Study Link |
1999 | |
Effectiveness of alarm-distress calls for frightening herons from a fish rearing facility Based on: Andelt W.F. & Hopper S.N. (1996). Study Link |
1996 | |
Effectiveness of barriers, pyrotechnics, flashing lights, and Scarey ManĀ® for deterring heron predation on fish Based on: Andelt W.F., Woolley T.P. & Hopper S.N. (1997). Study Link |
1997 | |
The effect of disturbance on nocturnal abundance and behaviour of grey herons (Ardea cinerea) at a fish-farm in winter Based on: Draulans D. & Van Vessem J. (1985). Study Link |
1985 | |
Short-term effects of an inflatable effigy on cormorants at catfish farms Based on: Stickley A.R. Jr., Mott D.F. & King J.O. (1995). Study Link |
1995 | |
Effect of roost harassment on cormorant movements and roosting in the delta region of Mississippi Based on: Tobin M.E., King D.T., Dorr B.S., Werner S.J. & Reinhold D.S. (2002). Study Link |
2002 | |
The use of netting over fishponds as a hazard to waterbirds Based on: Nemtzov S.C. & Olsvig-Whittaker L. (2003). Study Link |
2003 |
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