Eggs and hatchlings of the yellow giant chuckwalla and the black giant chuckwalla in captivity
Published source details
Sylber C.K. (1985) Eggs and hatchlings of the yellow giant chuckwalla and the black giant chuckwalla in captivity. Herpetological Review, 16, 18-21.
Published source details Sylber C.K. (1985) Eggs and hatchlings of the yellow giant chuckwalla and the black giant chuckwalla in captivity. Herpetological Review, 16, 18-21.
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Breed reptiles in captivity: Lizards
A study in 1974–1979 in Arizona, USA (Sylber 1985) reported that two species of giant chuckwalla Sauromalus varius and Sauromalus hispidus bred successfully after 2–3 years in captivity. In 1977–1979, two female Sauromalus varius and one female Sauromalus hispidus produced a total of 90 hatchlings from seven broods (5–23 hatchlings/brood). Three of seven clutches of eggs were discovered (19, 21 and 22 eggs/clutch), and the average hatching success was 43% (four clutches remained undiscovered). Five broods were Sauromalus varius (6–23 hatchlings/brood), one was Sauromalus hispidus (5 hatchlings/brood), and one was a hybrid of both species (12 hatchlings/brood). One clutch of 18 undeveloped eggs was discovered that was likely laid in 1976, and 15 eggs that were artificially incubated all failed to hatch. In 1974–1975, two pairs of Sauromalus varius and one pair of Sauromalus hispidus were acquired and housed in an outdoor enclosure (670 x 580 x 120 cm) with natural clay soil covered with 46 cm of desert wash sand. Temperatures ranged from -1–45°C. Fifteen eggs from a clutch discovered in 1977 were removed an incubated at 32°C. Hatchlings were moved to indoor terraria (200 x 100 x 70 cm), with 10 hatchlings/terrarium and temperatures of 25–38°C.
(Summarised by: William Morgan)
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