
Vegetative erosion control in an oligohaline environment Currituck Sound, North Carolina

  • Published source details Benner C.S., Knutson P.L., Brochu R.A. & Hurme A.K. (1982) Vegetative erosion control in an oligohaline environment Currituck Sound, North Carolina. Wetlands, 2, 105-117.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Directly plant non-woody plants: brackish/saline wetlands

Action Link
Marsh and Swamp Conservation
  1. Directly plant non-woody plants: brackish/saline wetlands

    A controlled study in 1973–1981 on a brackish, tidal sandflat in North Carolina, USA (Benner et al. 1982) reported that an area planted with wetland herbs contained 24 plant species after eight years, including four of nine planted species, whilst an adjacent unplanted area remained “unvegetated”. The four persisting planted species were black rush Juncus roemerianus, common reed Phragmites australis, broadleaf cattail Typha latifolia and smooth cordgrass Spartina alterniflora. Twenty other herb and shrub species colonized the planted area naturally. Methods: In spring and summer 1973, nine herbaceous species were transplanted from existing marshes to a 30 m stretch of brackish, tidal, sandy sediment. Plants were 60–90 cm apart. An adjacent area of sediment was not planted. Plant species were recorded in 1981.

    (Summarised by: Nigel Taylor)

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