
Gear-dependent size selection of snapper, Pagrus auratus

  • Published source details Otway N.M., Craig J.R. & Upston J.M. (1996) Gear-dependent size selection of snapper, Pagrus auratus. Fisheries Research, 28, 119-132.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Use hook and line fishing instead of other commercial fishing methods

Action Link
Marine Fish Conservation
  1. Use hook and line fishing instead of other commercial fishing methods

    A replicated, controlled study in 1989–1993 at three seabed sites in the Tasman Sea off New South Wales, Australia (Otway et al. 1996) found that using longlines reduced the capture of unwanted small snapper Pagrus auratus compared to using trawls. At all three sites, snapper length caught on longlines was higher than those caught in trawls (longline: 252-317 mm, trawl: 193-266 mm). Overall, 26% of the 274 snapper caught on longlines were under the minimum legal size compared to 89% of 500 snapper caught in trawls. Trawling and longlining was done at the same three sites at three-month intervals from autumn 1989 to autumn 1993. At each site, three trawl hauls were done with a 42 mm diamond-mesh codend net, towed at 2.5 knots, for 20 minutes. A longline of 33 circle hooks of three different sizes baited with squid was used. At each site, 12 longline deployments were set for 2.5 h. Full gear specifications are detailed in the original paper. The length of all fish was recorded.

    (Summarised by: Chris Barrett)

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