Benthic infaunal communities around two artificial reefs in Mamala Bay, Oahu, Hawaii
Published source details
Fukunaga A. & Bailey-Brock J.H. (2008) Benthic infaunal communities around two artificial reefs in Mamala Bay, Oahu, Hawaii. Marine Environmental Research, 65, 250-263.
Published source details Fukunaga A. & Bailey-Brock J.H. (2008) Benthic infaunal communities around two artificial reefs in Mamala Bay, Oahu, Hawaii. Marine Environmental Research, 65, 250-263.
This study is summarised as evidence for the following.
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Create artificial reefs
A replicated, site comparison study in 2005 of three reefs in Malaya Bay, Hawai’i, North Pacific Ocean, USA (Fukunaga & Bailey-Brock 2008) found that overall invertebrate abundance was similar at one but lower at a second artificial reef, compared to a natural reef. Average invertebrate abundance was similar at the sunken vessel Sea Tiger (131 individuals/sample) and at the natural reef (115), but lower at the sunken vessel YO257 (47). In addition, polychaete worm (the dominant group at all sites) diversity (reported as a diversity index) and species richness were similar at Sea Tiger (16 species) and the natural reef (13), but were lower at YO257 (8.3). Polychaete community composition was similar between YO257 and the natural site, but significantly different at Sea Tiger thought to be due to the development of seagrass (data presented as graphical analysis and statistical model results). Two vessels were deployed as artificial reefs on sandy seabed 1.5–2 km off the coast at 35–38 m water depth: the YO257 in 1989 (along with some gravels) and the Sea Tiger in 1999. Two transect lines were surveyed at each artificial reef (one on each side), and one at a natural reef located 1.5 km off the coast at 32 m depth. Divers collected six sediment samples/transect by randomly placing corers (7.6 cm diameter, 6 cm depth). Invertebrates (>500 µm) were identified and counted.
(Summarised by: Anaëlle Lemasson)
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