Making amphibian conservation more effective
Published source details
Meredith H.M.R., Van Buren C. & Antwis R.E. (2016) Making amphibian conservation more effective. Conservation Evidence, 13, 1-5.
Published source details Meredith H.M.R., Van Buren C. & Antwis R.E. (2016) Making amphibian conservation more effective. Conservation Evidence, 13, 1-5.
Amphibians face an extinction crisis. Hundreds of species may be lost as conservation scientists and practitioners struggle to identify remedies to poorly understood declines spanning several decades. Due to various life history characteristics and a range of drivers, amphibians continue to be especially hard-hit, more so than any other vertebrate group. In this special issue of Conservation Evidence, studies that report the effectiveness of amphibian conservation interventions are presented to add to the rapidly growing body of literature on this topic. We here summarise the current understanding of global amphibian declines to highlight the importance of applying evidence-based strategies to amphibian conservation.
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