
Checking the effectiveness of connection structures. Partial report within the special investigation into the nursery of the little horseshoe bat in Friedrichswalde - Ottendorf / Saxony

  • Published source details Britschgi A., Theiler A. & Bontadina F. (2004) Wirkungskontrolle von Verbindungsstrukturen. Teilbericht innerhalb der Sonderuntersuchung zur Wochenstube der Kleinen Hufeisennase in Friedrichswalde-Ottendorf / Sachsen. BMS GbR, Erfurt & SWILD, Zurich report, Unpublished report on behalf of DEGES, 23pp.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Divert bats to safe crossing points over or under roads/railways with plantings or fencing

Action Link
Bat Conservation
  1. Divert bats to safe crossing points over or under roads/railways with plantings or fencing

    A controlled, before-and-after study in 2003 of a bat roost in an agricultural area of Giswil, Switzerland (Britschgi et al. 2004) found that more lesser horseshoe bats Rhinolophus hipposideros exiting from the roost from one side flew in a particular direction after an artificial hedgerow was installed. The number of bats flying in a particular direction increased after an artificial hedgerow had been installed for over two weeks (before: average 3% of bats; after: 10% of bats). Bats flying along the artificial hedgerow were found to emerge earlier from the roost and return later than bats using other flight routes and were out of the roost for longer (up to 4 minutes more). The artificial hedgerow (1 m wide x 1.5–2 m high x 200 m long) consisted of native hedgerow plants in containers. It was placed through open farmland to connect the bat roost with a foraging habitat within forest. The experiment was split into phases of 4–5 nights, with one phase each for before and after control periods, and 6 experimental phases with the artificial hedgerow in place. Bat activity was monitored with bat detectors and infrared video cameras for >50 minutes at sunset and sunrise for 39 nights in July–September 2003.

    (Summarised by: Anna Berthinussen)

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