
Effects of increasing replacement of dietary fishmeal with plant protein sources on growth performance and body lipid composition of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

  • Published source details Pratoomyot J., Bendiksen E.Å, Bell J.G. & Tocher D.R. (2010) Effects of increasing replacement of dietary fishmeal with plant protein sources on growth performance and body lipid composition of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Aquaculture, 305, 124-132.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Use an alternative protein source: plant-based

Action Link
Sustainable Aquaculture
  1. Use an alternative protein source: plant-based

    Between 2007 and 2008, a randomised, replicated and controlled study in Scotland (Pratoomyot et al., 2010) found salmon, Salmo salar, fed three plant-based protein diets had lower growth rates and final body weights compared to those fed a high fish meal content diet. Growth rates were reduced by between 5-23% in the plant-based protein diets when compared to the high fish meal diet.  After 19 weeks, the overall average weight gain within the plant-protein diets were between 1.67-2.08kg compared to 2.53kg in the high fish meal diet. Differences were attributed to decreased food intake. Over 19 weeks 1,800 salmon were fed a high fish meal diet (55%) or one of three experimental plant protein diets, containing between 50% and 60% plant protein. Growth rates and final body weights were measured.


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