
Development of a vegetable IPM program in a rice-based cropping system

  • Published source details Aganon T.M., Patricio M.G., Calderon J.I., Soriano J.S. & Sison M.L.J. (1997) Development of a vegetable IPM program in a rice-based cropping system. Kasetsart Journal: Natural Sciences, 32, 32-36.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Alter the timing of insecticide use

Action Link
Natural Pest Control
  1. Alter the timing of insecticide use

    A controlled study in November to March 1996-1997 and 1997-1998 in Nueva Ecija, Philippines (Aganon et al. 1997) reported a lower impact of insecticides on ladybird and other insect natural enemies (Coccinellidae and Hymenoptera) following the strategic use of insecticides (during times of critical crop susceptibility to pests) compared to conventional practice. Net profit and yield of eggplant Solanum melongena crops were US$481 and 3.3 t/ha (respectively) following strategic applications, compared with US$54 and 2.7 t/ha for conventional practices. Similar patterns were found for stringbean Phaseolus vulgaris profit and yield under strategically timed (US$718 and 6.9 t/ha) and conventional (US$576 and 6.7 t/ha) insecticide applications. The number of sprays was reduced from 13 for conventional practice to 10 for strategic application in aubergine, and from 13 to seven in stringbeans. The costs of production were US$875-1,072 for the strategic treatment and US$982-1,179 for the conventional practice. Insecticide applications in the strategic treatment were timed according to peaks in pest invertebrate population profiles monitored before the study in 1993-1996. No other details of experimental set-up or insecticide type were provided.

Output references
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