
Biocontrol options for Cirsium arvense with indigenous fungal pathogens

  • Published source details Guske S., Schulz B. & Boyle C. (2004) Biocontrol options for Cirsium arvense with indigenous fungal pathogens. Weed Research, 44, 107-116.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Control weeds without damaging other plants in conservation areas

Action Link
Farmland Conservation
  1. Control weeds without damaging other plants in conservation areas

    A replicated, controlled study in 1998-1999 in Germany (Guske et al. 2004) found that pathogens reduced the reproductive capacity of potted creeping thistle Cirsium arvense. This was particularly the case with the fungus Phoma hedericola and a combination of P. hedericola with Mycelia sterile, Phoma destructiva and Phoma nebulosa. Infections with pathogens, both singly and in combination, tended to increase disease severity compared to control plants; this was not the case for P. punctiformis or combined P. punctiformis and P. hedericola in the first year. Experiments were conducted under semi-field conditions at Braunschweig. Target plants (7-20) were inoculated with fungal isolates: Phoma hedericola, Phoma destructiva, Mycelia sterila and Puccinia punctiformis (Phoma nebulosa in 1999) applied individually, or a combination of P. punctiformis and P. hedericola (in 1998) or combination of all four (1999). Twenty plants were controls. Plants were evaluated each week (May-August) for disease symptoms (tissue breakdown, tissue death, pale/yellow leaves) and plant development.

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