
Avian nest success in relation to past grazing regimes in a montane riparian system

  • Published source details Ammon E.M. & Stacey P.B. (1997) Avian nest success in relation to past grazing regimes in a montane riparian system. The Condor, 99, 7-13.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Exclude grazers from semi-natural habitats

Action Link
Bird Conservation
  1. Exclude grazers from semi-natural habitats

    In a 1994 site comparison study in Little Valley, Nevada, USA (Ammon & Stacey 1997), the nesting success rates of riparian bird species were found to be lower in an area grazed by cattle than an adjacent area rested from grazing for 30 years (grazed area: 83% of six above-ground nests successful and 67% of 12 ground nests predated; rested area 36% of 14 above-ground nests successful and 43% of seven ground nests predated). Experimental data from placing artificial nests baited with a Japanese quail Coturnix japonica egg and one painted plasticine egg in both areas showed a similar trend (daily survival rates of 55-95% of 120 eggs in grazed area vs. 77-98% of 120 in rested area). The authors suggest that grazing may facilitate nesting predation through changes in predator assemblage or increasing nest detectability.


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