Management of an artificially created wildflower meadow for common blue Polyommatus icarus butterflies at Bunkers Park, Hertfordshire, England
Published source details
Pearson M. (2006) Management of an artificially created wildflower meadow for common blue Polyommatus icarus butterflies at Bunkers Park, Hertfordshire, England. Conservation Evidence, 3, 109-110.
Published source details Pearson M. (2006) Management of an artificially created wildflower meadow for common blue Polyommatus icarus butterflies at Bunkers Park, Hertfordshire, England. Conservation Evidence, 3, 109-110.
Despite initial concern, a haylage cut of herb-rich meadow in mid-June 2006 did not reduce the numbers of common blue Polyommatus icarus butterflies. Red clover Trifolium pratense flowered later in the cut area and attracted up to eight clouded yellow Coleas croceus butterflies. July 2006 was exceptionally hot and this undoubtedly benefited the second generation of common blues in that year.
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