Influence of management on butterflies of rare grassland ecosystems in Germany
Published source details
Dolek M. & Geyer A. (1997) Influence of management on butterflies of rare grassland ecosystems in Germany. Journal of Insect Conservation, 1, 125-130.
Published source details Dolek M. & Geyer A. (1997) Influence of management on butterflies of rare grassland ecosystems in Germany. Journal of Insect Conservation, 1, 125-130.
This study is summarised as evidence for the following.
Action | Category | |
Delay cutting or first grazing date on grasslands to create variation in sward height Action Link |
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Maintain or restore traditional water meadows and bogs Action Link |
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Increase grazing intensity or cutting frequency on grassland Action Link |
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Maintain species-rich, semi-natural grassland Action Link |
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Cease mowing on grassland to allow early succession Action Link |
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Cease grazing on grassland to allow early succession Action Link |
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Delay cutting or first grazing date on grasslands to create variation in sward height
A site comparison study in 1994 in three traditional hay meadows in Bavaria, Germany (Dolek & Geyer 1997) found that the egg density of tufted marbled skipper Carcharodus flocciferus was higher in a meadow mown before the flight season than in either a meadow mown after the flight season or a grazed meadow. The egg density of tufted marbled skipper were higher in a meadow mown before the species’ flight season (4.3 eggs/20 leaves) than in a meadow mown after the flight season (0.3 eggs/20 leaves) or a grazed meadow (0.2 eggs/20 leaves). Three meadows, which had been managed in the same way for at least 5–20 years, were compared. Two traditionally managed hay meadows were mown once/year in either July or early August, and one meadow was extensively grazed with sheep, cattle or horses for a few weeks each summer. No information is provided on how eggs were recorded.
(Summarised by: Andrew Bladon)
Maintain or restore traditional water meadows and bogs
A replicated, site comparison study in 1994 in 22 wet meadows in Bavaria, Germany (Dolek & Geyer 1997) found that the abundance and species richness of all butterflies, and of fenland specialist butterflies only, was similar in mown and grazed fens. The abundance of all species of butterfly (17.3 individuals) and of seven threatened fenland specialist species only (8.8 individuals) in lightly grazed meadows was not significantly different to the abundance in meadows mown once/year (all species: 16.8 individuals; specialist species: 8.6 individuals). The species richness of butterflies was also similar in grazed and mown meadows (data not presented). Twenty-two traditionally managed fens were compared. Eleven fens were mown once/year from September onwards, and 11 were grazed with cattle or horses. The mown sites received financial support to maintain management. From June–August 1994, butterflies were surveyed along a fixed transect five times in each meadow.
(Summarised by: Andrew Bladon)
Increase grazing intensity or cutting frequency on grassland
A site comparison study in 1994 in 19 traditional hay meadows in Bavaria, Germany (Dolek & Geyer 1997) found that the abundance of all butterflies, and of threatened species only, was lower in a more intensively grazed meadow than in extensively mown or grazed meadows. A meadow which was grazed throughout the summer had fewer butterflies of all species, and of threatened species alone, than meadows grazed for a few weeks/year or mown once/year (data not presented). However, the extensively managed meadows had a higher abundance and species richness of butterflies than three abandoned meadows. Nineteen meadows, which had been managed in the same way for at least 5–20 years, were compared. One former hay meadow was grazed by sheep throughout the summer (intensive management), nine meadows were extensively grazed with sheep, cattle or horses for a few weeks each summer, six traditionally managed hay meadows were mown once/year in July or early August, and three meadows were not managed (abandoned). From June–August 1994, butterflies were surveyed along a fixed transect five times in each meadow.
(Summarised by: Andrew Bladon)
Maintain species-rich, semi-natural grassland
A replicated, site comparison study in 1994 in 19 traditional hay meadows in Bavaria, Germany (Dolek & Geyer 1997) found that the abundance and species richness of all butterflies, and of threatened species only, was similar in mown and grazed grassland. In lightly grazed meadows, the abundance of all species of butterfly (39.5 individuals) and of 16 threatened species (6.9 individuals) was similar to the abundance in meadows mown once/year (all species: 25.8 individuals; threatened species: 7.5 individuals). The species richness of butterflies was also similar in grazed and mown meadows (data not presented). However, managed meadows had a higher abundance and species richness of butterflies than abandoned meadows (data not presented). Nineteen meadows, which had been managed in the same way for at least 5–20 years, were compared. Six traditionally managed hay meadows were mown once/year in July or early August, nine meadows were extensively grazed with sheep, cattle or horses for a few weeks each summer, one meadow was grazed by sheep throughout the summer, and three meadows were not managed (abandoned). From June–August 1994, butterflies were surveyed along a fixed transect five times in each meadow.
(Summarised by: Andrew Bladon)
Cease mowing on grassland to allow early succession
A replicated, site comparison study in 1994 in 19 traditional hay meadows in Bavaria, Germany (Dolek & Geyer 1997) reported that the abundance and species richness of all butterflies, and of threatened species only, was lower in abandoned meadows than in meadows managed by mowing or grazing. Abandoned meadows had fewer butterflies of all species, and of threatened species alone, than mown or grazed meadows (data not presented). Two out of three abandoned meadows also had lower species richness than mown or grazed meadows (data not presented). Nineteen meadows, which had been managed in the same way for at least 5–20 years, were compared. Three meadows were not managed (abandoned), six traditionally managed hay meadows were mown once/year in July or early August, nine meadows were extensively grazed with sheep, cattle or horses for a few weeks each summer, and one meadow was grazed by sheep throughout the summer. From June–August 1994, butterflies were surveyed along a fixed transect five times in each meadow.
(Summarised by: Andew Bladon)
Cease grazing on grassland to allow early succession
A replicated, site comparison study in 1994 in 19 traditional hay meadows in Bavaria, Germany (Dolek & Geyer 1997) reported that the abundance and species richness of all butterflies, and of threatened species only, was lower in abandoned meadows than in meadows managed by grazing or mowing. Abandoned meadows had fewer butterflies of all species, and of threatened species alone, than grazed or mown meadows (data not presented). Two out of three abandoned meadows also had lower species richness than grazed or mown meadows (data not presented). Nineteen meadows, which had been managed in the same way for at least 5–20 years, were compared. Three meadows were not managed (abandoned), nine meadows were extensively grazed with sheep, cattle or horses for a few weeks each summer, one meadow was grazed by sheep throughout the summer, and six traditionally managed hay meadows were mown once/year in July or early August. From June–August 1994, butterflies were surveyed along a fixed transect five times in each meadow.
(Summarised by: Andew Bladon)
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