Collected Evidence: Collected Evidence: Engage volunteers to collect amphibian data (citizen science) Five studies in Canada, the UK and USA found that amphibian data collection projects engaged 100–10,506 volunteers and were active in 16–17 states in the USA. Five studies in the UK and USA found that volunteers undertook 412 surveys, surveyed 121–7,872 sites, swabbed almost 6,000 amphibians and submitted thousands of amphibian records. Collected, 16 Aug 2013 11:11:34 +0100Collected Evidence: Collected Evidence: Provide education programmes about amphibians One study in Taiwan found that education programmes about wetlands and amphibians, along with other interventions, doubled a population of Taipei frogs. Three studies (including one replicated study) in Germany, Mexico, Zimbabwe and the USA found that education programmes increased the amphibian knowledge of students, boatmen and their tourists. Two studies (including one replicated study) in Germany and Slovenia found that students who were taught using live amphibians and had previous direct experience, or who participated in outdoor amphibian conservation work, gained greater knowledge, had improved attitudes towards species and retained knowledge better than those than those taught indoors with pictures. Four studies in Mexico, Taiwan, Zimbabwe and the USA found that courses on amphibians and the environment were attended by 119–6,000 participants and amphibian camps by 700 school children.  Collected, 21 Aug 2013 11:04:07 +0100Collected Evidence: Collected Evidence: Raise awareness amongst the general public through campaigns and public information Two studies (including one replicated, before-and-after study) in Estonia and the UK found that raising public awareness, along with other interventions, increased numbers of natterjack toads and created 1,023 ponds for amphibians. One before-and-after study in Mexico found that raising awareness in tourists, increased their knowledge of axolotls. One study in Taiwan found that holding press conferences to publicize frog conservation had no effect on a green tree frog project. Two studies in Panama and the UK found that awareness campaigns reached over 50,000 members of the public each year or trained 1,016 people at 57 events over four years.  Collected, 28 Aug 2013 15:05:54 +0100
What Works 2021 cover

What Works in Conservation

What Works in Conservation provides expert assessments of the effectiveness of actions, based on summarised evidence, in synopses. Subjects covered so far include amphibians, birds, mammals, forests, peatland and control of freshwater invasive species. More are in progress.

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