
Captive management and breeding of Cuora aurocapitata (Testudines: Emydidae)

  • Published source details De Bruin R.W.F. & Zwartepoorte H.A. (1994) Captive management and breeding of Cuora aurocapitata (Testudines: Emydidae). Herpetological Review, 25, 58-59.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Use hormones and/or other drugs during captive-breeding programmes to induce reproduction/birth

Action Link
Reptile Conservation

Breed reptiles in captivity: Tortoises, terrapins, side-necked & softshell turtles

Action Link
Reptile Conservation
  1. Use hormones and/or other drugs during captive-breeding programmes to induce reproduction/birth

    A study in 1989–1992 in a captive setting in the Netherlands (De Bruin & Zwartepoorte 1994) found that egg laying could be induced with injections of calcium and oxytocin in yellow-headed box turtles Cuora aurocapitata. Two females laid two eggs each within two hours of treatment. One female had laid an egg prior to treatment, and the second female laid an additional egg 12 days after treatment. Two of three eggs from one female hatched successfully, whereas none from the other did. In 1989–1990, two pairs of turtles were acquired and males were introduced to both females for mating purposes. Females were injected with calcium (two doses at 60–80 mg/kg, 1–2 h apart) under the skin in the rear leg, followed by 6 IU/kg of oxytocin intramuscularly one hour later.

    (Summarised by: William Morgan)

  2. Breed reptiles in captivity: Tortoises, terrapins, side-necked & softshell turtles

    A study in 1989–1992 in a captive setting [location unknown] (De Bruin & Zwartepoorte 1994) found that one of two female yellow-headed box turtles Cuora aurocapitata reproduced successfully in captivity. In 1992, two of three eggs produced by one female hatched successfully, and zero of three eggs from a second female hatched. Incubation lasted 64–66 days, and one hatchling was removed from the egg manually. The two hatchlings survived for at least 28 weeks. In 1989–1990, two pairs of turtles were acquired. Tanks contained a water basin (100 x 40 x 20 cm) and an island (40 x 20 cm), with water temperatures of 22°C, and air temperatures under a heating lamp at 27°C. One pair was housed together, and the second pair were kept separate. Males were introduced to both females for mating purposes. To induce egg laying, females were injected with calcium (at 60–80 mg/kg) subcutaneously in the rear leg, followed by 6 IU/kg of oxytocin intramuscularly one hour later. Eggs were placed in moist peat and incubated at 28°C at 95% humidity.

    (Summarised by: William Morgan)

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