Captive breeding of the Timor monitor (Varanus timorensis similis)
Published source details
Chippindale P. (1991) Captive breeding of the Timor monitor (Varanus timorensis similis). Herpetological Review, 22, 52-53.
Published source details Chippindale P. (1991) Captive breeding of the Timor monitor (Varanus timorensis similis). Herpetological Review, 22, 52-53.
This study is summarised as evidence for the following.
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Breed reptiles in captivity: Lizards Action Link |
Breed reptiles in captivity: Lizards
A study in 1980–1986 [location unknown] (Chippindale 1991) found that Timor Monitors Varanus timorensis similis bred successfully in captivity and produced hatchlings in two of three years. A female produced one clutch/year of five eggs for three years. Zero eggs hatched from the first clutch, and two eggs from both subsequent clutches hatched successfully (40% hatching success). Incubation periods ranged from 121–140 days, and the four hatchlings survived for at least 2–3 years. In 1980–1981, a wild-caught female and three male monitors were housed in a glass fronted terrarium (195 x 36 x 60 cm) with a newspaper substrate, branches and rocks. Temperatures were 26–30°C during the day and 20–23°C at night. Eggs were moved to a 40 litre aquarium containing 1 cm of water and placed on a raised aluminium screen. The temperature was maintained at 28–30°C, and humidity was 90–100%. Hatchlings were housed individually in 60 litre aquaria with a newspaper substrate and cardboard tubes.
(Summarised by: William Morgan)
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