
Natural and man-induced revegetation on mining wastes: changes in the floristic composition during early succession

  • Published source details Martínez-Ruiz C., Fernandez-Santos B., Putwain P.D. & Fernández-Gómez M.J. (2007) Natural and man-induced revegetation on mining wastes: changes in the floristic composition during early succession. Ecological Engineering, 30, 286-294.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Spray slurry of seed, mulch and water (‘hydroseeding’)

Action Link
Grassland Conservation
  1. Spray slurry of seed, mulch and water (‘hydroseeding’)

    A controlled study in 1992–1995 in a disused mine in Salamanca, Spain (Martinez-Ruiz et al. 2007) found that hydroseeding did not alter total vegetation cover. In five of six comparisons, there was no significant difference in vegetation cover between areas where hydroseeding was used (126–161%) and areas where hydroseeding was not used (122–142%), but in one comparison vegetation cover was higher (hydroseeded: 163%; not hydroseeded: 90%). Vegetation cover in nearby dahesas, the target habitat, was similar to that found in both areas that were hydroseeded and areas that were not (125–140%). In autumn 1992, one spoil dump was hydroseeded with a slurry containing mulch, fertilizer, tackifier, rhizobacteria, and a commercial grass seed mix containing 13 species. Another spoil heap was not hydroseeded and no seeds were sown in this area. In June 1993–1995, cover of all plant species in eight permanent 0.25-m2 quadrats located on each spoil heap was estimated.

    (Summarised by: Philip Martin)

Output references
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