Transplantation of Rhizophora mangle (Rhizophoraceae) seedlings in the Corales del Rosario National Park, Colombia
Published source details
Bóhorquez C.A. & Prada M.C. (1988) Transplante de plántulas de Rhizophora mangle (Rhizophoraceae) en el Parque Nacional Corales del Rosario, Colombia. Revista de Biología Tropical, 36, 555-557.
Published source details Bóhorquez C.A. & Prada M.C. (1988) Transplante de plántulas de Rhizophora mangle (Rhizophoraceae) en el Parque Nacional Corales del Rosario, Colombia. Revista de Biología Tropical, 36, 555-557.
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Directly plant trees/shrubs: brackish/saline wetlands
A replicated study in 1984–1985 on chalky coastal sediments around three islands in Colombia (Bóhorquez & Prada 1988) reported that only 20% of transplanted red mangrove Rhizophora mangle seedlings survived over 247 days, but that survivors grew. Statistical significance was not assessed. Overall, 26 of 130 planted seedlings were still in place and alive after 247 days. Seedling survival was 0% and 5% on the two most exposed islands, but 35% on the least exposed island. Seedling survival was 0% at the highest elevations, 60% in moderate elevations and 100% at the lowest elevations. On average, surviving seedlings grew 6 cm taller and four new leaves at moderate elevations, but grew 32 cm taller and six new leaves at the lowest elevations. Methods: In November 1984, a total of 130 red mangrove seedlings (<70 cm tall) were transplanted to three islands, at three different elevations (“high beach”, “intertidal” and “low beach”). The study does not report the number of seedlings on each island or at each elevation, and does not quantify elevation. Seedlings were spaced at 9/m2, watered every two weeks with fresh water, and cleaned of dust and debris. Seedlings in “poor condition” were removed. Seedling survival, height and leaf number were monitored until July 1985.
(Summarised by: Nigel Taylor)
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