
An analysis of factors driving success in ecological restoration projects by a university-community partnership

  • Published source details Wood J.K., Gold W.G., Fridley J.L., Ewing K. & Niyogi D.K. (2017) An analysis of factors driving success in ecological restoration projects by a university-community partnership. Ecological Restoration, 35, 60-69.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Restore/create freshwater marshes or swamps (specific action unclear)

Action Link
Marsh and Swamp Conservation
  1. Restore/create freshwater marshes or swamps (specific action unclear)

    A replicated study in 2009 of 13 swamp restoration sites in the USA (Wood et al. 2017) reported that they had developed vegetation cover, including native species, after 1–8 years. The restoration sites contained 8–36 native plant species, which comprised 28–100% of the overall vegetation cover. The number and abundance of woody plant species was not reported. Additional analyses did not separate results for wetland and upland sites. Methods: In summer 2009, plant species and foliage cover were surveyed in 13 sites being restored as freshwater forested wetlands (one 405-m2 plot/site). Restoration began 1–8 years previously. The study does not report the restoration methods in detail, but they included controlling invasive plants that were initially dominant and covering the ground surface (with cardboard, wood chippings or landscape fabric), then regular management by watering, introducing native plants and protecting them from herbivores.

    (Summarised by: Nigel Taylor)

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