
Carbon stocks in artificially and naturally regenerated mangrove ecosystems in the Mekong Delta

  • Published source details Nam V.N., Sasmito S.D., Murdiyarso D., Purbopuspito J. & MacKenzie R.A. (2016) Carbon stocks in artificially and naturally regenerated mangrove ecosystems in the Mekong Delta. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 24, 231-244.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Directly plant trees/shrubs: brackish/saline wetlands

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Marsh and Swamp Conservation
  1. Directly plant trees/shrubs: brackish/saline wetlands

    A site comparison study in 2012 of two mangrove forests in southern Vietnam (Nam et al. 2016) reported that a planted forest contained more tree species than a naturally recolonized forest, but found that both forests had similar tree density, diameter, basal area and biomass. After 14–34 years, 15 true mangrove tree species were recorded in the planted forest (vs 12 in the recolonized forest; statistical significance of difference not assessed). The most common species in both forests was tall-stilt mangrove Rhizophora apiculata (planted: 80%; recolonized: 73% of all trees). There was no significant difference between the forests in tree density (planted: 1,963; recolonized: 2,548 trees/ha), diameter (planted: 11; recolonized: 10 cm), basal area (planted: 22; recolonized: 23 m2/ha) or above-ground biomass (planted: 131; recolonized: 147 Mg/ha). Methods: In June 2012, forest structure was surveyed along 15 transects in recovering mangroves (degraded in the 1960s–1970s by wartime herbicide spraying and deforestation). Six transects were in a forest replanted in 1978–1998 (35 tree species, mostly tall-stilt mangrove) then thinned at five year intervals. Nine transects were in a forest where trees had grown without any human intervention. Each transect contained six 150-m2 plots and ran perpendicular to creeks/coastlines. Above-ground biomass was estimated using diameter data. Both live and dead trees were surveyed.

    (Summarised by: Nigel Taylor)

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