Evaluating the effects of wetland restoration at the watershed scale in northwest Yunnan Plateau, China
Published source details
Liu G., Tian K., Sun J., Xiao D. & Yuan X. (2016) Evaluating the effects of wetland restoration at the watershed scale in northwest Yunnan Plateau, China. Wetlands, 36, 169-183.
Published source details Liu G., Tian K., Sun J., Xiao D. & Yuan X. (2016) Evaluating the effects of wetland restoration at the watershed scale in northwest Yunnan Plateau, China. Wetlands, 36, 169-183.
This study is summarised as evidence for the following.
Action | Category | |
Retain/restore/create vegetation around freshwater marshes Action Link |
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Directly plant non-woody plants: freshwater wetlands Action Link |
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Retain/restore/create vegetation around freshwater marshes
A before-and-after study in 2008–2014 of a lakeshore freshwater marsh in southern China (Liu et al. 2016) found that after planting herbs into a polluted river feeding it (and planting directly into the marsh), plant species richness increased. Statistical significance was not assessed. The marsh contained 14 plant species before planting but 26 plant species five years after. Methods: In May 2009, the river feeding a lake was planted with pollution-reducing vegetation: bur-reed Sparganium simplex, mare’s tail Hippuris vulgaris and yellow floating heart Nymphoides peltatum. The river water quality had recently declined, due to inputs of nutrients and domestic sewage. Some herbs were also planted directly into the lakeshore marsh (number of species not reported). The study does not distinguish between the effects of these interventions on any non-planted vegetation. Lakeshore vegetation (emergent, floating and submerged) was surveyed before (July 2008) and for approximately five years after (July 2009–2014) planting (details not fully reported).
(Summarised by: Nigel Taylor)
Directly plant non-woody plants: freshwater wetlands
A before-and-after study in 2008–2014 in two sites containing freshwater marshes and wet meadows in southern China (Liu et al. 2016) reported that after planting herbs into the wetlands (and a polluted river feeding them), plant species richness, diversity, cover, biomass and height all increased. Statistical significance was not assessed. The sites contained 13–14 plant species before planting but 26–42 plant species five years after. In the one site for which data were reported, marsh and wet meadow habitats experienced increases in plant diversity (data reported as diversity indices), total vegetation cover (from 22–64% to 64–93%), total vegetation biomass (from 520–638 g/m2 to 768–919 g/m2) and vegetation height (from 43–86 cm to 86–161 cm). Methods: In May 2009, two degraded wetland sites were planted with herbaceous plants (number of species not reported). In one site, a lakeshore marsh was planted with emergent and floating herbs. In the other site, slightly uphill from the lake, marshes and meadows were planted with forbs and grasses. The river feeding the lake was also planted with pollution-reducing vegetation. The study does not distinguish between the effects, on any non-planted vegetation, of planting directly in the lakeshore marsh and planting in the river. Vegetation (emergent, floating and submerged) was surveyed before (July 2008) and for approximately five years after (July 2009–2014) planting (details not fully reported).
(Summarised by: Nigel Taylor)
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