
An approach to the rehabilitation of Kogia spp.

  • Published source details Manire C.A., Rhinehart H.L., Barros N.I.B. & Cunningham-Smith P. (2004) An approach to the rehabilitation of Kogia spp.. Aquatic Mammals, 30, 257-270.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Hand-rear orphaned or abandoned marine and freshwater mammal young

Action Link
Marine and Freshwater Mammal Conservation
  1. Hand-rear orphaned or abandoned marine and freshwater mammal young

    A study over nine years (dates not stated) at a rehabilitation facility in Florida, USA (Manire et al. 2004) found that five orphaned pygmy and dwarf sperm whale Kogia spp. calves reared in captivity increased in body weight but died after 3–20 months. Four captive-reared pygmy sperm whales Kogia breviceps increased in body weight from 33–57 kg to 60–232 kg but died after 91–631 days in captivity due to intestinal problems (three calves) or liver failure (one calf). One captive-reared dwarf sperm whale Kogia sima increased in body weight from 27–75 kg but died after 465 days in captivity due to an impacted colon. Each of the five calves was found stranded, transported to a rehabilitation facility and treated for dehydration and constipation. The calves were fed artificial formula mixed with electrolytes through a stomach tube. Squid was fed from six months of age. Ulcers were treated with antibiotics and anti-fungal drugs. The calves were considered unsuitable for release due to their inexperience in the wild.

    (Summarised by: Anna Berthinussen)

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