
Salvaged-wetland soil as a technique to improve aquatic vegetation at created wetlands in Wyoming, USA

  • Published source details McKinstry M.C. & Anderson S.H. (2005) Salvaged-wetland soil as a technique to improve aquatic vegetation at created wetlands in Wyoming, USA. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 13, 499-508.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Reprofile/relandscape: freshwater marshes

Action Link
Marsh and Swamp Conservation

Transplant or replace wetland soil: freshwater marshes

Action Link
Marsh and Swamp Conservation
  1. Reprofile/relandscape: freshwater marshes

    A replicated study in 1999–2001 of six excavated wetlands in Wyoming, USA (McKinstry & Anderson 2005) reported that no plants grew in the wetlands within two years of excavation. Methods: In late 1999, six wetlands were excavated (area: 0.25–1 ha; depth: <3 m) in bentonite clay soils. None of these marshes were amended with wetland soils (cf. Section 12.26). In September 2000 and 2001, forty 0.25-m2 quadrats/wetland were surveyed for vegetation. Quadrats were placed along transects perpendicular to the shoreline, so had variable water depths.

    (Summarised by: Nigel Taylor)

  2. Transplant or replace wetland soil: freshwater marshes

    A replicated, controlled study in 1999–2001 of 12 excavated wetlands in Wyoming, USA (McKinstry & Anderson 2005) found that wetlands amended with marsh soil developed vegetation cover, whilst unamended wetlands did not. Amended wetlands contained three plant species after one year and eight plant species after two years. Of 40 quadrats surveyed in each amended wetland, 3–6 contained vegetation after one year and 1–22 contained vegetation after two years. At this point, plant biomass was mostly alkali bulrush Scirpus maritimus (142g; 51% of total) or cattails Typha spp. (96g; 34% of total). No plants were recorded in unamended wetlands. Methods: In late 1999, twelve wetlands (<1 ha each) were excavated in clay soils. A 10–15 cm thick layer of soil from a nearby marsh was spread around the edge of six wetlands (water depth: 0–100 cm). The other six wetlands did not receive soil. In September 2000 and 2001, all vegetation was collected from forty 0.25-m2 quadrats/wetland then identified, dried and weighed. Quadrats were placed along transects perpendicular to the shoreline.

    (Summarised by: Nigel Taylor)

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