
Identifying unidirectional and dynamic habitat filters to faunal recolonisation in restored mine-pits

  • Published source details Craig M.D., Hardy G.E.S.J., Fontaine J.B., Garkakalis M.J., Grigg A.H., Grant C.D., Fleming P.A. & Hobbs R.J. (2012) Identifying unidirectional and dynamic habitat filters to faunal recolonisation in restored mine-pits. Journal of Applied Ecology, 49, 919-928.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Restore former mining or energy production sites

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Reptile Conservation

Restore former mining sites

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Terrestrial Mammal Conservation
  1. Restore former mining or energy production sites

    A replicated, site comparison study in 2005–2006 in two eucalypt forest sites in Western Australia, Australia (Craig et al. 2012) found that restored ex-mining forest reptile communities were different to unmined forest after 4–17 years. Up to 17 years after eucalypt forest restoration in two mine pits, reptile communities were different in restored forest compared to unmined forest (data reported as statistical model outputs, see original paper for details). Of the most commonly caught species, five species were observed in both restored and unmined forest, of which three species were less abundant in restored than unmined forest, and two species were less abundant in 8–17-year-old restored forest compared to four-year-old restored forest or unmined forest (see paper for details on individual species abundances). Reptiles were monitored in two restored mine pits in areas with four, eight, 12 and 17-year-old restoration forest plantings and unmined forest (six plots/forest type, split between the two mine pits). Details on forest restoration are not provided. Reptiles were surveyed using drift fences, and funnel and pitfall traps in October 2005 and January, March and May 2006 (1,728 trap nights/plot type, 8,640 total trap nights). In total 20 reptile species were recorded (270 individuals).

    (Summarised by: Katie Sainsbury)

  2. Restore former mining sites

    A replicated, site comparison study in 2005–2006 of two former mines in jarrah forests in Western Australia, Australia (Craig et al. 2012) found that in restored areas, overall mammal species richness was higher, native mammal species richness was similar, and differences in mammal abundances were mixed compared to unmined sites. Overall mammal species richness was higher in restored sites (2.4 species/site) than in unmined sites (0.4 species/site), but native species richness did not differ (data not reported). In three of four restoration age comparisons, there were more individuals in restored sites than in unmined sites for both house mice Mus musculus (1.7–4.0 vs 0 animals/grid) and western pygmy possum Cercartetus concinnus (0.9–1.0 vs 0.3 animals/grid). In three of four restoration age comparisons, there were fewer individuals in restoration sites than in unmined sites for common brushtailed possums Trichosurus vulpecula (0–0.8 vs 1 animals/grid) and yellow-footed antechinus Altechinus flavipes (0.8–1.8 grid vs 2 animals/grid). Small mammals were surveyed across two mine areas at sites where restoration commenced 4, 8, 12 and 17 years earlier (total six sites for each age class) and in six unmined forest sites. Mammals were trapped using grids with nine pitfall traps, four Elliott traps and Sheffield cage-traps, set along drift-fencing at each site. Traps were set for four nights/season, totalling 1,728 trap nights/treatment.

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