
Small mammals increase on recently cleared and seeded juniper rangeland

  • Published source details Baker M.F. & Frischknecht F.C. (1973) Small mammals increase on recently cleared and seeded juniper rangeland. Journal of Range Management, 26, 101-103.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Remove vegetation by hand/machine

Action Link
Terrestrial Mammal Conservation
  1. Remove vegetation by hand/machine

    A replicated, controlled, before-and-after study in 1966–1970, of pinyon-juniper woodland and grassland at six sites in Utah, USA (Baker & Frischknecht 1973) found that, after clearance of pinyon-juniper and seeding with grassland species, small mammal abundances in both cleared and uncleared plots followed similar patterns. Comparisons between treatments were not tested for statistical significance. Two years after clearance and seeding, more deer mice Peromyscus maniculatus were caught in cleared plots (107–118 from 180 trap nights) and in uncleared plots (89 from 180 trap nights) than were caught before clearance and seeding (19 from 270 trap nights). However, after three to four years, abundance in cleared plots declined (16–37 mice from 180 trap nights) and abundances in uncleared plots also declined (27–30 from 180 trap nights). Trees were cleared by dragging a heavy chain or were bulldozed. Aerial seeding followed. Felled wood was gathered into lines and left in place or burned, or was dispersed during a second pass of the chain. In 1966–1970, small mammals were sampled using snap-traps over a range of dates in August–November.

    (Summarised by: Nick Littlewood)

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