
Local changes in community diversity after coral transplantation

  • Published source details Yap H. (2009) Local changes in community diversity after coral transplantation. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 374, 33-41.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Translocate habitat-forming (biogenic) species - Translocate reef-forming corals

Action Link
Subtidal Benthic Invertebrate Conservation

Transplant wild grown coral onto natural substrate

Action Link
Coral Conservation
  1. Translocate habitat-forming (biogenic) species - Translocate reef-forming corals

    A replicated, controlled study in 2000–2002 in five coral reef sites in Tayabas Bay, Philippines (Yap 2009) found that plots with translocated corals developed higher invertebrate species richness than plots without corals, 9–27 months after translocation. After coral translocation, invertebrate species richness was higher in plots with corals (7–8 species) than in nearby and more distant plots without corals (3–6 species), but was lower than at the source site where the corals originated (10 species).  Overall, 83-95% of translocated corals survived. Each of four sites of rocky seabed had eighteen 1 m2 plots: six with translocated corals, six nearby without corals (interspersed with transplanted coral plots), and six 100 m away without corals. Between April 2000 and November 2001, three coral species were translocated from a nearby pristine reef (source site) to each translocated plot: Acropora palifera (2/plot), Porites cylindrica (2/plot), and Porites lobata (3/plot). In July 2002 (9–27 months after translocation), invertebrate species (excluding corals) were recorded during visual census by divers in all experimental plots, and in six plots at the source site.

    (Summarised by: Anaëlle Lemasson)

  2. Transplant wild grown coral onto natural substrate

    A replicated, controlled study in 2000–2002 in four areas of a coral reef in Luzon, Philippines (Yap 2009) found that 9–27 months after Acropora and Porites stony corals were transplanted onto natural substrate, 83–94% survived, but plots with and without transplanted corals had similar numbers of new coral colonies. Nine to 27 months after transplantation, 94% of Acropora palifera, 85% of Porites lobata and 83% of Porites cylindrica colonies survived. Plots where corals were transplanted had similar average numbers of new coral colonies (0.62) to interspersed plots without transplantation (0.88) and plots 100 m away without transplantation (0.51). All three had lower numbers of new coral colonies than plots at a nearby healthy reef from which the transplanted corals had been sourced (10.39). Each of four sites of rocky seabed had eighteen 1 m2 plots: six with transplanted corals and six without corals (interspersed amongst each other), six 100 m away without corals, and six at the transplanted coral source site (a healthy reef). Between April 2000 and November 2001, colonies of three coral species were chiselled from a nearby healthy reef and at each transplantation plot either attached directly to the rock with cement or tied to plastic screens covering the plots: Acropora palifera (5–19 cm diameter, 2/plot), Porites cylindrica (11–30 cm diameter, 2/plot), and Porites lobata (7–19 cm diameter, 3/plot). From January 2001–July 2002 (9–27 months after transplanting), survival and new coral colonies were recorded during visual census by divers in all experimental plots every 3–4 months.

    (Summarised by: Eleanor Bladon)

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