
Floated fish pot eliminates bycatch of red king crab and maintains target catch of cod

  • Published source details Furevik D.M., Humborstad O., Jørgensen T. & Løkkeborg S. (2008) Floated fish pot eliminates bycatch of red king crab and maintains target catch of cod. Fisheries Research, 92, 23-27.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Modify the position of traps

Action Link
Subtidal Benthic Invertebrate Conservation
  1. Modify the position of traps

    A replicated, controlled study in 2003–2004 in the Varangerfjord, Norway (Furevik et al. 2008) found that traps floated above the seabed caught fewer unwanted red king crabs Paralithodes camtschaticus, compared to standard groundfish traps. Red king crabs were only found in two of the 73 floated traps (2 and 3 crabs/trap), while all 77 standard traps caught crabs with an average catch of 21 crabs/trap. There was no difference in the number of marketable catches of the commercially targeted species, cod Gadus morhua, between the two trap designs. In August–September 2003 and 2004, sixteen lines of baited traps (100 x 150 x 120 cm) were deployed at 70–250 m depths. Two types of trap were used: a standard two-chamber groundfish trap and a floated version (approximately 70 cm above the seabed) of the same trap. Each line held five traps/design, placed alternatively. The traps were recovered after 24 hours, and catches sorted and counted. In this study, floating traps were used to reduce clogging of the traps by unwanted red king crabs and improve catch efficiency of cod, rather than to conserve red king crab.

    (Summarised by: Anaëlle Lemasson & Laura Pettit)

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