
Environmental factors influencing the reproduction of an estuarine penaeid population and implications for management

  • Published source details Crisp J.A., Loneragan N.R., Tweedley J.R., D’Souza F.M.L. & Poh B. (2018) Environmental factors influencing the reproduction of an estuarine penaeid population and implications for management. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 25, 203-219.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Transplant/release captive-bred or hatchery-reared species - Transplant/release crustaceans

Action Link
Subtidal Benthic Invertebrate Conservation
  1. Transplant/release captive-bred or hatchery-reared species - Transplant/release crustaceans

    A study in 2013–2016 of 36 sites in the Swan-Canning Estuary, south-western Australia (Crisp et al. 2018) found that during the three years after yearly releases of hatchery-reared western school prawn larvae Metapenaeus dalli the abundance and size of egg-bearing females, as well as the overall population egg production, increased. Abundance of egg-baring females increased from 0.1–0.6/500 m2 in 2013–2014 and 0.6–1.4 in 2014–2015 to 1.1–1.6 in 2015–2016. The carapace length of egg-bearing females increased from 17–20 mm in 2014–2015 to 23-24 mm in 2015–2016. Egg production (fecundity) increased from 16,000 egg/500 m2 in 2013–2014, to 34,000 in 2014–2015 and 163,000 in 2015–2016. However, authors indicate that wild and hatchery-reared prawns could not be discerned, and therefore that the results cannot be solely attributable to the restocking programme. Yearly between December 2012 and March 2016, hatchery-reared juvenile prawns were released into the estuary (15,000 in 2012–2013; 635,000 in 2014–2015; 2 million in 2015–2016) as part of a restocking programme. Monthly in October 2013–March 2016, prawns were collected using a mix of hand nets (9 mm mesh; 570 m2) and otter trawls (9 mm at the codend; 650 m2) at 36 sites (two samples/site/month). Prawns were counted, sized, sexed, and egg-bearing females recorded.

    (Summarised by: Anaëlle Lemasson)

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