
Response of medium- and large-sized terrestrial fauna to corridor restoration along the middle Sacramento River

  • Published source details Derugin V.V., Silveira J.G., Golet G.H. & LeBuhn G. (2016) Response of medium- and large-sized terrestrial fauna to corridor restoration along the middle Sacramento River. Restoration Ecology, 24, 128-136.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Restore or create forest

Action Link
Terrestrial Mammal Conservation

Other biodiversity: Restore habitat along watercourses

Action Link
Mediterranean Farmland
  1. Restore or create forest

    A replicated, site comparison study in 2010–2012 of 16 riparian forest sites in California, USA (Derugin et al. 2016) found that restored riparian forest areas were visited more by carnivores than were remnant forests when restored areas were newly established, but not subsequently, whilst restored areas were not visited more frequently by black-tailed deer Odocoileus hemionus columbianus. More mammalian carnivore species were detected in young restored forests (3.4/plot) than in remnant forests (1.8/plot) but neither figure differed from that in old restored forests (2.1/plot). Coyotes Canis latrans made more visits to young restored forests than to remnant forests (data not presented). No differences were detected between visit rates to the three forest stages for raccoon Procyon lotor, bobcat Felis rufus or black-tailed deer. Five young restored forests (restored in 2003–2007), six old restored forests (restored in 1991–2001) and five natural forest remnants were sampled. Camera traps were operated over two consecutive years in December–March and May–July, starting in December 2010 and finishing in July 2012.

    (Summarised by: Nick Littlewood)

  2. Other biodiversity: Restore habitat along watercourses

    A replicated site comparison in 2010–2012 in riparian forests along the Sacramento River, California, USA, found similar numbers of birds and mammals in restored and remnant forests. Birds and Mammals: Overall, similar numbers of species were found in restored or remnant forests (4–5 vs 4). More species were found in restored forests, compared to remnant forests, in the wet seasons (4–5 vs 2), but not in the dry seasons (3–5 vs 3). More predator species were found in young restored forests, compared to remnant forests (1.9 times as many species as in remnant forests). Most animals were black-tailed deer Odocoileus hemionus columbianus (66% of all observations) or wild turkeys Meleagris gallopavo (21%). Most predators were raccoons Procyon lotor (8% of all observations), coyotes Canis latrans (4%), or bobcats Felis rufus (1%). Methods: All sites were part of The Nature Conservancy’s Sacramento River Project. Camera traps were set along a 100 km section of the river in restored forests (young: restored in 2003–2007, five sites; old: restored in 1991–2000, six sites) or remnant forests (five sites). Sites were 5.34 km apart, on average. Camera traps (2.1 m height) were placed on trees at each site, near animal signs (tracks, scat, or scratch marks). Cameras were visited every 1–1.5 months.


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What Works in Conservation provides expert assessments of the effectiveness of actions, based on summarised evidence, in synopses. Subjects covered so far include amphibians, birds, mammals, forests, peatland and control of freshwater invasive species. More are in progress.

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