
The translocation of great crested newts, a protected species


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Translocate great crested newts

Action Link
Amphibian Conservation
  1. Translocate great crested newts

    A review of translocation programmes in 1990–1994 for great crested newts Triturus cristatus in England, UK (May 1996), extended in later studies (Oldham & Humphries 2000, Edgar, Griffiths & Foster 2005), found that adults returned to ponds in most cases and bred in 61% of translocations monitored. However, longer-term monitoring over 6–18 years showed that 53% of 15 translocations before 1990 failed. In 1990–1994, adults returned in subsequent years in 92% of 92 cases monitored, although newts were already present at 10 ponds. Seventy-two translocations from development sites involved adults (average: 197; total: 13,115), juveniles (57; 914), larvae (32; 501) and many eggs. Twelve translocations involved collecting eggs and rearing and releasing larvae (average: 643) and juveniles (63) for introduction purposes. Habitat enhancement (e.g. log piles, hibernacula, tree planting) was undertaken in 79% of 28 cases where there was partial habitat destruction. Where there was complete habitat destruction, newts tended to be moved to existing sites. Licenses for all translocation projects between 1990 and 1994 were reviewed and 74 licensees contacted for information. Extra monitoring information was obtained for translocations undertaken before 1990.


Output references
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