
Mine spoil prairies expand critical habitat for endangered and threatened amphibian and reptile species

  • Published source details Lannoo M.J., Kinney V.C., Heemeyer J.L., Engbrecht N.J., Gallant A.L. & Klaver R.W. (2009) Mine spoil prairies expand critical habitat for endangered and threatened amphibian and reptile species. Diversity, 1, 118-132.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Restore former mining or energy production sites

Action Link
Reptile Conservation

Replant vegetation

Action Link
Amphibian Conservation
  1. Restore former mining or energy production sites

    A before-and-after study in 2009 of a coal spoil prairie with wetlands in Indiana, USA (Lannoo et al. 2009, same experimental set-up as Terrell et al. 2014) found that restored areas were recolonized by snakes, turtles and one lizard species over 27 years. In total, 14 snake species (1–7 individuals encountered/species, Shannon-Wiener diversity index: 9), five turtle species (2–108 individuals encountered/species, Shannon-Wiener diversity index: 3) and one lizard species (5 individuals encountered/species) were recorded. Two were species of conservation concern: Kirtland’s snake Clonophis kirtlandii and Eastern box turtle Terrapene carolina. Three snake species were new county records. In 1982–1983, an ex-mining area was graded to the approximate original contours, topsoil was added (15–38 cm) and the area was re-vegetated. Planting was initially of non-native tall fescue Festuca arundinacea, but since 1999 was replaced with native prairie grasses and forbs. Drift-fences with pitfall traps were installed (920 m) around four seasonal or semi-permanent wetlands and were sampled daily in March–August 2009. Visual encounters were also recorded.

    (Summarised by: Katie Sainsbury)

  2. Replant vegetation

    A before-and-after study in 2009 of a coal spoil prairie in Indiana, USA (Lannoo et al. 2009) found that four species of salamanders and nine species of frogs and toads colonized habitat restored by planting, over 27 years. Two species recorded were species of conservation concern. Each of the four study wetlands had different species compositions. As a comparison, another restoration site (in a former prairie area) had one species of salamander and eight species of frogs and toads. Abundances varied from 6–2739 captures/species. Once extraction was completed in 1982, the area was graded to the approximate original contours, topsoil was added (15–38 cm) and the area was re-vegetated. Planting was initially of non-native tall fescue Festuca arundinacea, but since 1999 was replaced with native prairie grasses and forbs. Drift-fences with pitfall traps were installed (920 m) around four seasonal or semi-permanent wetlands and were sampled daily in March–August 2009. Visual encounters were also recorded.


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