
Observations on the captive reproduction of the horned marsupial frog Gastrotheca cornuta (Boulenger 1898)

  • Published source details Gagliardo R., Griffith E., Hill R., Ross H., Mendelson J., Timpe E. & Wilson B. (2010) Observations on the captive reproduction of the horned marsupial frog Gastrotheca cornuta (Boulenger 1898). Herpetological Review, 41, 52-58.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Captive breeding frogs

Action Link
Amphibian Conservation
  1. Captive breeding frogs

    A replicated study in 2005–2008 of captive horned marsupial frog Gastrotheca cornuta in Atlanta and Panama, USA (Gagliardo et al. 2010) found that a small number of frogs bred in captivity but froglet survival was low. In Panama, one female produced 14 froglets in 2007 and four eggs were produced in 2008. In Atlanta, 14 infertile eggs were produced in 2006, however 13 froglets were observed in 2008. Two cases of abortion were recorded and most froglet deaths occurred within 20 weeks. In total, 11 frogs survived over one year, but grew slowly and often had deformities. One receiving UV-B radiation for 45 minutes/day did not develop deformities. Wild frogs were collected in 2005–2006. Males and females were housed in separate enclosures (60 x 30–60 x 40–90 cm) with plants, twigs and water in Atlanta (six males, two females) and Panama. Males were introduced to females just for breeding. Frogs were misted 2–10 times/day and in Atlanta a ‘dry season’ was simulated. Froglets were separated for rearing.


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