Restoring amphibian diversity in manufactured ponds: if you drain it, they will come
Published source details
Fauth J.E. (2002) Restoring amphibian diversity in manufactured ponds: if you drain it, they will come. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts, 87, 125-126.
Published source details Fauth J.E. (2002) Restoring amphibian diversity in manufactured ponds: if you drain it, they will come. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts, 87, 125-126.
This study is summarised as evidence for the following.
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Regulate water levels
A replicated, controlled study of 12 created ponds in forest in South Carolina, USA (Fauth 2002) found that draining ponds resulted in a significant increase in amphibian abundance and species richness. Species richness increased 50% in created wildlife ponds and 100% in construction ponds, compared to those left undrained. Draining in summer resulted in larger increases than draining in winter. Amphibian abundance was also significantly higher in drained ponds compared to those undrained. Created wildlife ponds and ponds created following removal of construction material were drained in summer, winter, both or never. Each treatment was replicated three times.
(Summarised by: Rebecca K Smith)
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