
Effects of restoration and management regime on the avifaunal composition on Swedish wet meadows

  • Published source details Hellström M. & Berg Å. (2001) Effects of restoration and management regime on the avifaunal composition on Swedish wet meadows. Ornis Svecica, 11, 235-252.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Restore or create traditional water meadows

Action Link
Farmland Conservation
  1. Restore or create traditional water meadows

    A replicated before-and-after study of 15 restored wet meadows in agricultural landscapes in southern Sweden (Hellström & Berg 2001) found that the density of seven bird species increased and two decreased significantly following restoration. Three species showed a non-significant tendency to decrease and 11 showed no significant difference following restoration. A population was more likely to increase if it was present at the site pre-restoration. No single management regime (mowing, grazing, mowing/grazing, unmanaged) was favoured by a large number of species (but by just 2-4 species). Seven species were associated with site/meadow size (five negatively) and seven with surrounding habitat. Breeding bird survey data was obtained (following requests to relevant groups) using three survey methods: territory mapping, counts of duck broods and at two sites thorough field counts. The majority of meadows were located along lakeshores or rivers.

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