
Overwintering of arthropods in the soil and on field weeds artificially created strips of field weed

  • Published source details Bürki H.M. & Hausammann A. (1993) Überwinterung von Arthropoden im Boden und an Ackerkräutern küntslich angelegter Ackerkraustreifen. Haupt, Bern report, Agrarökologie Band 7, 158pp.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Plant nectar flower mixture/wildflower strips

Action Link
Farmland Conservation
  1. Plant nectar flower mixture/wildflower strips

    A controlled study in winter 1990-1991 in one cereal field in central Switzerland (Bürki & Hausammann 1993) found generally more overwintering arthropods in wildflower strips than in the adjacent cereal crop. Five times more beetles (Coleoptera) were recorded in soil samples from the wildflower strips than from the crop (1,032 vs 209 individuals/m2 respectively). Similar patterns were found for samples from photo-eclector traps. Rove beetles (Staphylinidae) and ground beetles (Carabidae) were more abundant in wildflower strips than in the crop, although the greatest abundance of both groups was found in conventional field margins. Other arthropod groups such as spiders (Aranae) and mites (Acari) also had higher densities in wildflower strips than in the crop. More arthropods overwintered in wild plants than in cereal stubbles. Of all arthropods found in cereal stubbles, 48% were found in cereal taken from the wildflower strips, 41% in cereals from conventional field margins and 11% from samples within the crop. Five 1.5 m-wide wildflower margins were established around one cereal field in 1989. The margins were sown with a mixture of wildflower species including clover Trifolium spp. and species from the Brassicaceae family. Overwintering arthropods were sampled from soil cores and photo-eclectors. Vegetation samples of 22 plant species and the cereal stubbles were taken twice a month from November 1990 to April 1991. Arthropods overwintering in the plants were hatched in the laboratory. Note that no statistical analyses were performed on the data presented in this paper. This paper summarizes a large study which is partly published elsewhere, it was performed within the same experimental site as Lys & Nentwig 1992, Lys & Nentwig 1994, Lys et al. 1994, Zangger et al. 1994.

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