
Goldfinch preferences for bird feeder location

  • Published source details Dunn E.H. & Hussell J.A.T. (1991) Goldfinch preferences for bird feeder location. Journal of Field Ornithology, 62, 256-259.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Provide supplementary food for songbirds to increase adult survival

Action Link
Bird Conservation
  1. Provide supplementary food for songbirds to increase adult survival

    A replicated study from January-March in 1990 in one suburban garden garden in Ontario, Canada, using four bird tube feeders placed in different locations in Ontario, Canada (Dunn & Hussell 1991), found that American goldfinches Carduelis tristis preferred bird feeders that were placed in higher locations. The number of birds and the amount of food removed were significantly higher for the upper feeder (6.1 m) than the lower feeder (3.4 m) (average 75% birds seen and 67% food removed from high feeder). There was no preference for feeders placed in trees or in the open (both 2.4 m from the ground), although there was a much greater proportion of unexplained variation in the side-by-side experiment than in the height experiment. All tube feeders contained small black oil sunflower seeds. A flock of 15-30 goldfinches used the test feeders daily. Feeders were switched at the end of each trial (3 replicates each).


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