Annual and seasonal trends in the use of garden feeders by birds in winter
Published source details
Chamberlain D.E., Vickery J.A., Glue D.E., Robinson R.A., Conway G.J., Woodburn R.J.W. & Cannon A.R. (2005) Annual and seasonal trends in the use of garden feeders by birds in winter. Ibis, 147, 563-575.
Published source details Chamberlain D.E., Vickery J.A., Glue D.E., Robinson R.A., Conway G.J., Woodburn R.J.W. & Cannon A.R. (2005) Annual and seasonal trends in the use of garden feeders by birds in winter. Ibis, 147, 563-575.
This study is summarised as evidence for the following.
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Provide supplementary food for songbirds to increase adult survival Action Link |
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Provide supplementary food for songbirds to increase adult survival
A replicated study analysing annual survey data from 458 garden bird feeders in the UK from 1970-2000 (Chamberlain et al. 2005) found that, of 41 species analysed, 21 increased in occurrence at garden feeders over time. Robins Erithacus rubecula, blackbirds Turdus merula, blue tits Parus caeruleus and greenfinches Carduelis chloris occurred at all sites, whilst dunnocks Prunella modularis, song thrushes T. philomelos, great tits P. major, starlings Sturnus vulgaris, house sparrows Passer domesticus and chaffinch Fringilla coelebs occurred at more than 95% of sites. Species were more likely to occur at feeders in years when they had high a country-wide population estimate and peak use tended to occur some time in midwinter.
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