Forest bird response to regeneration practices in central hardwood forests
Published source details
Annand E.M. & Thompson F.R. (1997) Forest bird response to regeneration practices in central hardwood forests. Journal of Wildlife Management, 61.
Published source details Annand E.M. & Thompson F.R. (1997) Forest bird response to regeneration practices in central hardwood forests. Journal of Wildlife Management, 61.
This study is summarised as evidence for the following.
Action | Category | |
Use shelterwood cutting instead of clearcutting Action Link |
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Use selective harvesting/logging instead of clearcutting Action Link |
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Clear or open patches in forests Action Link |
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Use shelterwood cutting instead of clearcutting
A replicated study in 1993-1994 in mixed forests in the Missouri Ozarks, Missouri, USA (Annand & Thompson 1997), found that indigo bunting Passerina cyanea and field sparrow Spizella pusilla were more abundant in 12 shelterwood stands and in 12 clearcuts than in 22 stands under selective logging or 12 mature stands. Six species were more abundant in clearcuts than in shelterwood stands and six were more common in selectively-logged or mature stands.
Use selective harvesting/logging instead of clearcutting
A replicated study in 1993-1994 in mixed forests in the Missouri Ozarks, Missouri, USA (Annand & Thompson 1997), found that four species (hooded warbler Wilsonia citrina, northern parula Parula americana, Acadian flycatcher Empidonax virescens and red-eyed vireo Vireo olivaceus) were more abundant in 22 stands under selective logging or in 12 mature stands, than in 12 clearcuts or 12 shelterwood stands. Eight species were less abundant in selectively-logged forests than in clearcuts and two were less abundant than in mature forest.
Clear or open patches in forests
A replicated study in 1993-4 in mixed forests in the Missouri Ozarks, Missouri, USA (Annand & Thompson 1997), found that eight species (brown-headed cowbird Molothrus ater, blue-winged warbler Vermivora pinus, prairie warbler Dendroica discolor, rufous-sided towhee Pipilo erythrophthalmus, white-eyed vireo Vireo griseus and yellow-breasted chat Icteria virens) were more abundant in 12 clearcuts than in 12 shelterwood stands (see ‘Use shelterwood cutting instead of clearcutting’), 22 stands under selective logging (see ‘Use selective harvesting/logging instead of clearcutting’) or 12 mature stands. Six species were more abundant in selectively-logged or mature forest than in clearcuts.
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