
Effects of grey willow Salix cinerea removal on the floristic diversity of a wet dune-slack at Cabin Hill National Nature Reserve on the Sefton Coast, Merseyside, England

  • Published source details Smith P.H. & Kimpton A. (2008) Effects of grey willow Salix cinerea removal on the floristic diversity of a wet dune-slack at Cabin Hill National Nature Reserve on the Sefton Coast, Merseyside, England. Conservation Evidence, 5, 6-11.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Use cutting to control problematic large trees/shrubs: freshwater marshes

Action Link
Marsh and Swamp Conservation

Use herbicide to control problematic plants: freshwater marshes

Action Link
Marsh and Swamp Conservation
  1. Use cutting to control problematic large trees/shrubs: freshwater marshes

    A study in 2005–2007 of a dune slack in England, UK (Smith & Kimpton 2008) reported that after cutting grey willow Salix cinerea scrub (along with applying herbicide), ground vegetation recolonized. In 2006, approximately one year after removing willows, 80% of the site was covered with vegetation (mostly herbaceous). There were 108 vascular plant taxa, including 98 natives. Approximately 54 taxa were characteristic of dune slacks. In 2007, approximately two years after removing willows, 95% of the site was covered with vegetation (still mostly herbaceous). There were 111 vascular plant taxa, including 107 natives. Approximately 65 taxa were characteristic of dune slacks. Twenty-eight taxa recorded in 2006 were not present in 2007, but 31 new taxa had colonized the site. Methods: In November/December 2005, dense grey willow scrub in a dune slack (low-lying area amongst dunes) was controlled. Grey willows were cut at ground level, then herbicide (Roundup® Biactive Plus) was applied to the largest stumps. The study does not distinguish between the effects of these interventions. Cut material was burned on site. Vascular plant taxa and their overall coverage were surveyed in August/September 2006 and 2007.

    (Summarised by: Nigel Taylor)

  2. Use herbicide to control problematic plants: freshwater marshes

    A study in 2005–2007 of a dune slack in England, UK (Smith & Kimpton 2008) reported that after cutting and applying herbicide to grey willow Salix cinerea scrub, ground vegetation recolonized. In 2006, approximately one year after removing willows, 80% of the site was covered with vegetation (mostly herbaceous). There were 108 vascular plant taxa, including 98 natives. Approximately 54 taxa were characteristic of dune slacks. In 2007, approximately two years after removing willows, 95% of the site was covered with vegetation (still mostly herbaceous). There were 111 vascular plant taxa, including 107 natives. Approximately 65 taxa were characteristic of dune slacks. Twenty-eight taxa recorded in 2006 were not present in 2007, but 31 new taxa had colonized the site. Methods: In November/December 2005, dense grey willow scrub in a dune slack (low-lying area amongst dunes) was controlled. Grey willows were cut at ground level, then herbicide (Roundup® Biactive Plus) was applied to the largest stumps. The study does not distinguish between the effects of these interventions. Cut material was burned on site. Vascular plant taxa and their overall coverage were surveyed in August/September 2006 and 2007.

    (Summarised by: Nigel Taylor)

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