Effectiveness of different conservation measures for loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) nests at Zakynthos Island, Greece
Published source details
Kornaraki E., Matossian D.A., Mazaris A.D., Matsinos Y.G. & Margaritoulis D. (2006) Effectiveness of different conservation measures for loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) nests at Zakynthos Island, Greece. Biological Conservation, 130, 324-330.
Published source details Kornaraki E., Matossian D.A., Mazaris A.D., Matsinos Y.G. & Margaritoulis D. (2006) Effectiveness of different conservation measures for loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) nests at Zakynthos Island, Greece. Biological Conservation, 130, 324-330.
This study is summarised as evidence for the following.
Action | Category | |
Use nest covers to protect against human disturbance Action Link |
Protect nests and nesting sites from predation using artificial nest covers: Sea turtles Action Link |
Relocate nests/eggs to a hatchery: Sea turtles Action Link |
Use nest covers to protect against human disturbance
A replicated, controlled study in 1987–1995 on a sandy beach on Zakynthos Island, Greece (Kornaraki et al. 2006) found that covering loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta nests with individual metal cages resulted in variable hatching success compared to both uncaged nests left in situ and nests relocated to an on-beach hatchery. Over six years, hatching success in caged nests was lower in two years, higher in two years and similar in two years compared to in situ nests. Hatching success for caged nests varied from 44–72%, compared to 56–68% for uncaged in situ nests and 51–75% for nests moved to an on-beach hatchery. From 1988–1995, nests located within 7 m of the sea and in danger of inundation were moved to a beach hatchery (77 nests) as were nests located near invasive plants which had root systems that grow into nests. From 1990, nests located in beach areas with tourists were protected by 50 cm circular metal mesh cages buried 15 cm in the sand (88 nests). A further 313 nests were left uncaged and in situ. Nests were excavated following hatchling emergence to assess hatching success.
(Summarised by: Maggie Watson, William Morgan)
Protect nests and nesting sites from predation using artificial nest covers: Sea turtles
A replicated, controlled study in 1987–1995 on a sandy beach on Zakynthos Island, Greece (Kornaraki et al. 2006) found that covering loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta nests with metal cages resulted in variable hatching success compared to nests left in situ and nests relocated to an on-beach hatchery. Hatching success for caged nests varied from 44% to 72%, compared to 56–68% for in situ nests and 51–75% for hatchery nests. Hatching success in caged nests was lower in two of six years and higher in two of six years compared to in situ nests. From 1988, nests located within 7 m of the sea and in danger of inundation were moved to a beach hatchery (77 nests) as were nests located near invasive plants which had root systems that could grow into nests. From 1990, nests located in beach areas with tourists were protected by 50 cm circular metal mesh cages buried 15 cm in the sand (88 nests). A further 313 nests were left in situ. Nests were excavated following hatchling emergence to assess hatching success.
(Summarised by: Maggie Watson, William Morgan)
Relocate nests/eggs to a hatchery: Sea turtles
A replicated, controlled study in 1987–1995 on a sandy beach on Zakynthos Island, Greece (Kornaraki et al. 2006) found that relocating loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta nests to an on-beach hatchery resulted in variable hatching success compared to both nests left in situ and nests left in situ and covered with metal cages. Average hatching success in the on-beach hatchery varied from 51–75%, compared with 56–68% for in situ nests and 44–72% for in situ nests covered with cages. Hatching success in the hatchery was lower in one of eight years and higher in two of eight years compared to in situ nests. From 1988, nests located within 7 m of the sea and in danger of inundation were moved to a beach hatchery (77 nests) as were nests located near to invasive plants with root systems that may have grown into nests. From 1990, nests located in beach areas with tourists were protected by 50 cm circular metal mesh cages buried 15 cm in the sand (88 nests). A further 313 nests were left in situ. Nests were excavated following hatchling emergence to assess hatching success.
(Summarised by: Maggie Watson, William Morgan)
Output references