Restoring heathland by removing birch Betula woodland and adding heather Calluna vulgaris seed at The Lodge RSPB Reserve, Bedfordshire, England
Published source details
Wilton-Jones G. & Ausden M. (2005) Restoring heathland by removing birch Betula woodland and adding heather Calluna vulgaris seed at The Lodge RSPB Reserve, Bedfordshire, England. Conservation Evidence, 2, 68-69.
Published source details Wilton-Jones G. & Ausden M. (2005) Restoring heathland by removing birch Betula woodland and adding heather Calluna vulgaris seed at The Lodge RSPB Reserve, Bedfordshire, England. Conservation Evidence, 2, 68-69.
In order to restore heathland, birch Betula trees were cleared, the humic layer was removed, and heather Calluna vulgaris seeds were spread out over the restoration area. Two years later there was a good growth of young heather plants with 5-10% cover seven years after the intial clearance, whilst some areas were dominated by wavy hair-grass Deschampsia flexuosa.
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